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Number 7: Submersion or Diving into the past or future

Sabrina and Janine entered Alice's house in Bamban, where she had been staying for some time. Janine insisted they stay with Alice since she didn’t want her left alone in Manila, especially after what had happened recently.

“Where is she?” Sabrina asked the maid.

“She’s at the pool, ma’am,” the maid replied.

The two nodded and headed straight for the pool area.

When they got there, they froze. A scream nearly escaped their lips.

Alice was floating face down in the pool, motionless. It looked like she was…

Janine screamed, her voice cracking in panic, while Sabrina immediately jumped into the water, her heart racing as she swam toward her friend.

But just as she reached out to pull Alice up, Alice suddenly moved.

“What are you doing?!” Alice yelled, splashing water around as she turned to face Sabrina.

“What am I doing?! What are you doing?! I thought you were dead!” Sabrina shot back, her voice full of relief and irritation.

“I was floating! What did you think I was doing?” Alice retorted, rolling her eyes.

Once they were all out of the pool, Janine hurried over with towels, wrapping them around the drenched girls. “You two should shower and change before you catch a cold. Especially you, Sabrina,” she warned while helping them dry off.

“Why were you floating like that? You scared the hell out of us!” Sabrina grumbled, wringing out her soaked clothes.

“Didn’t you know? That’s the new way to float,” Alice said nonchalantly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Sabrina glared at her, her patience thinning. “Come here, I swear I’m going to—"

Janine quickly stepped in, pulling Sabrina back before things escalated.


Later that evening, after everyone had calmed down and dried off, they sat around the kitchen counter eating the dinner Sabrina and Janine had brought with them.

They’d also decided to stay the night. After what Alice had pulled earlier, there was no way they were leaving her alone.

“Don’t you two have homes to go back to?” Alice asked between bites of her burger.

“We do, but after that little stunt you pulled? We’re sleeping here,” Sabrina retorted.

Alice sighed, sinking deeper into her chair. "Fine."

Deep down, she was actually relieved. She wasn’t ready to be alone—not with everything that had been happening recently.

Her thoughts drifted to the book she’d been reading—the one about time travel. It claimed there were ways to return to the past or leap into the future, and she had been trying all of them. One of the methods was submerging herself in the water, which had led to the pool incident earlier.

I’ll have to try that again when these two aren’t around,” Alice thought to herself.

“By the way, Janine,” Alice suddenly remembered something. “Do we have a car that was manufactured in 2014?”

“Huh? 2014? No, all our cars are newer models. Why?” Janine answered casually.

“Oh, nothing. Just wanted something vintage.” Alice lied, not wanting to reveal her real intentions.

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