"New kingdom"

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After Loki becomes one with the tree, he wants to find a way to materialize outside. He doesn't know what the outside is, but he knows it exists. It is something, and he just has to know.

After Loki learns to materialize outside of the tree, he finds himself standing in the void. He looks around only to see a giant tree, so enormous he can see the top of it. He thinks it's the multiverse tree he had found himself in before. It continues growing; within minutes, new branches appear like new multiverses forming out of thin air.

Moments later, as Loki stares at the tree, he feels something or someone staring at him from behind. Turning around, he finds himself looking at thousands, maybe millions, of white eyes gazing at him with curiosity. Loki steps back in shock. The eyes, which seemed like they were just floating, materialize into bodies that bow down to him—the new god of the multiverse and universes. Their new god.

One body steps up and offers Loki its void-like hand. After hesitantly taking the hand, Loki feels power flow into him as a white star materializes in his hand. The void-like being lets go of Loki's hand.

Loki, holding the star, lifts it up and says, "This is my new kingdom." As he says this, the ground starts to materialize beneath his feet. The void-like beings, which once appeared as voids, now become humanoid creatures with long ears, hair like the galaxy, and black eyes. In seconds, a new kingdom emerges.

At the heart of the kingdom stands the colossal multiverse tree. Its trunk is as wide as a city block, and its branches stretch high into the void. Leaves shimmer with colors from every conceivable reality, and its roots delve deep into the fabric of existence.

The castle encircles the tree, spiraling upward like a coiled serpent. Its walls are made of iridescent crystal, reflecting the hues of distant galaxies. Towers rise at irregular intervals, each adorned with intricate carvings depicting cosmic events and mythical beings.

Balconies jut out from the castle, offering breathtaking views of the multiverse. From here, one can witness stars being born, civilizations flourishing, and cataclysms reshaping entire realms.

Waterfalls cascade down from the castle's upper levels, their streams converging into serene lakes and ponds below. The water glows with otherworldly luminescence, nourishing the roots of the tree. Some say these waters hold memories—echoes of lives lived across countless dimensions.

Roads wind through the kingdom, connecting distant realms. They are made of stardust and moonlight, shimmering underfoot as travelers pass. Bridges arch over chasms of spacetime, allowing beings to cross between parallel worlds. Each bridge is a testament to the interconnectedness of all existence.

Houses appear spontaneously, their designs influenced by the dreams of their inhabitants. Some resemble ancient temples, while others resemble futuristic spires. Stores line the streets, selling exotic goods from distant realities: crystallized emotions, time-traveling artifacts, and star-forged weapons.

The humanoid creatures, once mere eyes, now walk among the citizens. Their bodies are translucent, revealing glimpses of galaxies within. They serve as advisors, historians, and guardians. Their eyes still hold curiosity, but now it's tempered with reverence for their new god.

One of the creatures that turned humanoid says, "My lord, the kingdom you always wanted is beautiful. But you are not the only one who has ruled us as the new god of the tree. We will explain everything, but first, let us start with this: What's your new name, my lord?"

"Izar... call me Izar," Loki said.

A thousand years later, Loki's kingdom thrives.

High atop the castle, there exists an observatory—a crystalline dome where scholars and stargazers gather. Here, telescopes peer into distant realities, capturing glimpses of parallel worlds. The observatory's floor is a mosaic of constellations, each representing a different timeline. Visitors walk among the stars, tracing their fingers along the paths of forgotten civilizations.

Beyond the castle walls lies the Whispering Forest. Its trees hum with secrets—echoes of forgotten prophecies and tales from distant dimensions. The leaves rustle in unison, revealing glimpses of alternate lives. Some say that if you listen closely, you can hear your own story whispered back to you.

In the heart of the kingdom, the Nexus Market thrives. Stalls overflow with exotic wares: vials of liquid memories, pocket-sized black holes, and kaleidoscopic crystals. Traders haggle in languages unknown to Earth, their eyes reflecting galaxies as they barter for cosmic artifacts.

Beneath the castle, hidden in labyrinthine tunnels, lies the Timeless Library. Its shelves stretch infinitely, housing books written by gods, mortals, and sentient nebulae. Librarians—beings with ink-stained fingers and starlit eyes—guide visitors through chronicles of creation and destruction.

Alongside roads and bridges, there exists a network of skywalks—aerial pathways suspended between worlds. Skywalkers traverse them, their wings shimmering with iridescence. Each step takes them closer to forgotten realms, where suns weep and moons sing lullabies.

At the base of the multiverse tree, an amphitheater stands. Its acoustics defy logic; a whisper can reach every corner. Here, performances transcend time. Bards strum cosmic strings, recounting sagas of fallen empires and love stories that span eons.

In the heart of the city, the Starborn Tavern welcomes travelers. Its walls pulse with constellations, and the bartender serves nebula-infused mead. Patrons share tales of their journeys: encounters with celestial beings, lost civilizations, and the elusive edge of existence.

Beyond the kingdom's borders lies the Veil—a shimmering curtain that separates realities. Those who venture through it glimpse alternate lives. Some return with fractured memories; others find themselves forever changed.

And so, King Loki reigns over this kaleidoscope of existence—a god of chaos, curiosity, and creation. His name echoes through the multiverse, whispered by leaves, sung by stars, and etched into the very fabric of reality.

Loki now lives in the universe itself, knowing that he's not the only one who can walk the multiverses. Many creatures come from different universes, some even gods.

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