The start of Shivian, Part 2

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The dark presents had entered the room.
Siobhan dared not to say a word, she was too scared to. Yet Vivian wasn't scared or frightened of him.
"Can I ask what you so desperately need?"
Vivian asked while staring into his deep eyes.
"I need to have a little chat with my fiancée over here." The rat answered while giving Siobhan a dark glance. She had no idea what he wanted to speak to her about, but she sure didn't want to find out. She knew that every time Roger wanted to speak to her, it never ended well. A million thoughts rushed into her mind. What if he found out about her plan, what if he was going to get rid of her for good.

Her mind was spiralling out of control. She looked back at Vivian who was already staring at her. Roger was stood there, beginning to get impatient.
"What's taking so long, can't you just get out already" the rat was now staring a very short distance away from Vivian

The next moment we're all a blur for Siobhan.
She had woken up a few days later in a hospital bed. She had no idea what was going on. She saw machines all around her, tubes going every which way and the small sound of beeping every second. She took one good look at her arms which were now all bandaged up.
The next few minutes were the most confusing ones for Siobhan. This was the first time in a very long while that she had been in a hospital, let alone be in the bed of one.

She saw flowers and cards on the larger table beside the window. She had never seen so many before, not even on a special day like her birthday. She tried to move her legs... but nothing happened. She tried again and again and again, yet she still got the same outcome. She began to panic, which made one of the many machines beep louder and louder. She tried many times to remember what had happened and how she had got herself in this situation. Yet nothing came to her mind. Those minutes were the longest ones of her life. They felt like hours for her. This was one of very few times when she had wanted company.

Her vision was still quite blurry, yet she could still make out what seemed to be a woman walk in. She couldn't see much, but she could see her short black hair and a light blue outfit. She couldn't quite think of who this could be. They could have just been a stranger. But this woman was not a stranger to Siobhan. She was more like her life saver. The reason why she was still here. The reason why her heart was still beating. The reason why she wasn't lost that very day.

The woman took a step closer, making Siobhan look up in her direction as the tall figure towered over her fragile body. The tall woman had picked up a chart from the side of the bed. At the top it read
'Siobhan Serpent'
'Victim of domestic abuse'
'Gunshot wound to the upper thigh'
'mental abuse'
The innocent woman just lay there, waiting for the other woman to say something.

In the corner of her eye, she could see another person walk in, yet this person was shorter than the other. She could see her short brown hair, her large glasses, and her stripped shirt.
The woman's voice immediately sprung up as soon as she turned her head towards Siobhan.
"SIOBHAN YOUR OKAY!!" The woman shouted so loud it would burst your eardrums.
It was clear to tell it was Marjorie's high pitched voice screaming at her. Siobhan had only just gotten her hearing back and now it was practically gone again thanks to Marjorie.

The woman had ran over to the other, slightly lifting her from the bed, hugging her tightly.
Seconds later another voice could be heard.
"Don't touch her, you could cause her even more pain than she is already in" Spoke the black haired woman. Siobhan had heard her voice before, yet she couldn't pinpoint whose it was. Marjorie had then apologised to Siobhan, making sure she didn't touch her again and spoke in a more quieter tone.

Siobhan still could not figure out who the other person was. Her mind was completely empty on who it may be. She was starting to think it could just be a random nurse. They wear blue right? She had tried to think of everyone that she knew yet nobody's voice matched hers.

The start of Shivian💘Where stories live. Discover now