**Chapter 4: Echoes of a Wooden Rabbit**

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The cool night air of Gusu clung to Wei Wuxian's skin as he made his way through the serene courtyards of the Cloud Recesses. The conference had officially ended, yet sleep evaded him. There was too much left unsaid between him and Lan Wangji. The years of separation weighed on him, but beneath that, a spark of something old and familiar stirred.
Wei Wuxian absently turned the wooden rabbit over in his hands, feeling the smooth grooves worn down from years of holding it. Despite everything that had changed in his life, this little trinket remained as a reminder of the promise they had made.

Lan Wangji.

How had he been all these years? The stoic boy he remembered had grown into a quiet, imposing figure, yet every time their eyes met, there was something in Lan Wangji's gaze-something that felt like recognition, like a memory long buried beneath the weight of duty.

"I didn't think you still had that."

Wei Wuxian jumped, startled by the soft voice behind him. He spun around to see Lan Wangji standing a few paces away, his eyes fixed on the wooden rabbit in Wei Wuxian's hand.
Wei Wuxian blinked, then laughed, his usual carefree smile returning to his face. "Lan Zhan! You scared me."
Lan Wangji's gaze remained steady, his expression unreadable as always. "You kept it."

There was no question in his tone-only quiet wonder.

Wei Wuxian twirled the rabbit between his fingers, feigning nonchalance. "Of course, I kept it. A gift from Gusu's very own sect leader's jade? How could I not?"

Lan Wangji's eyes flickered with something unspoken, but he said nothing.
Wei Wuxian's grin softened as he took a step closer, his voice lowering. "Did you... did you think I forgot about you, Lan Zhan?"

For a moment, silence hung between them, thick with unspoken words. The moonlight bathed them in a silver glow, casting long shadows across the courtyard. Finally, Lan Wangji spoke, his voice soft and measured. "No. I did not forget."

Wei Wuxian's chest tightened, a warmth blooming in his heart at the simple, honest admission. It was enough-more than enough-for now.
The silence stretched again, but this time it felt comfortable, like the years between them were slowly shrinking.

"I missed you," Wei Wuxian found himself saying, the words slipping out before he could stop them. He blinked, surprised at his own vulnerability. "I wondered if I'd ever see you again."

Lan Wangji's gaze softened, his stoic facade cracking just enough for Wei Wuxian to see the man beneath-the boy he had known. "I missed you too,"

Lan Wangji admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
Wei Wuxian's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't expected Lan Wangji to say it-to admit to feeling anything at all. For a brief moment, he felt the weight of their shared past, the connection that had been forged years ago and had somehow survived the passage of time.

But then Lan Wangji stepped back, his composure returning like a shield. "It is late. You should rest."
Wei Wuxian raised an eyebrow, his teasing nature returning to the forefront. "You're always so proper, Lan Zhan. Do you ever loosen up?"
Lan Wangji glanced at him, the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Goodnight, Wei Ying."

Before Wei Wuxian could say another word, Lan Wangji turned and walked away, his white robes billowing behind him like the moonlit clouds in the night sky.

Wei Wuxian stood there for a long moment, watching him go, his heart thrumming in his chest. There was so much more he wanted to say, so much more he wanted to ask. But for now, he was content to know that Lan Wangji still remembered, that their bond had not been forgotten.

He glanced down at the wooden rabbit in his hand, a fond smile spreading across his face. "Goodnight, Lan Zhan," he whispered to the empty courtyard.


The next morning, Wei Wuxian was awake before dawn, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the night before. As he made his way through the Cloud Recesses, he couldn't help but glance around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lan Wangji.

He didn't have to look far.
Standing beneath the same pavilion where they had spoken the night before, Lan Wangji was already there, his back turned as he gazed out at the mist-covered mountains.
Wei Wuxian grinned, his steps light as he approached. "Lan Zhan! You're up early."

Lan Wangji turned slowly, his expression as composed as ever. "You are up early as well."

Wei Wuxian shrugged, trying to appear casual. "Couldn't sleep. Too much excitement, I guess."
Lan Wangji gave him a long look, as if trying to decipher the real meaning behind his words. Wei Wuxian shifted uncomfortably under the weight of that gaze, feeling like Lan Wangji could see right through him.
Clearing his throat, Wei Wuxian decided to change the subject. "So, what's on the agenda today? More lectures from your esteemed Lan elders?"

Lan Wangji's lips quirked ever so slightly. "The conference is over. You are free to do as you please, before the lecture starts."
Wei Wuxian's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Oh? In that case, I'd love to explore the Cloud Recesses. Maybe break a few rules while I'm at it."

Lan Wangji's expression tightened slightly, though Wei Wuxian could tell he was trying not to smile. "There are rules for a reason, Wei Ying."
Wei Wuxian grinned, leaning in slightly. "Then I'll just have to rely on you to keep me out of trouble, won't I?"

Lan Wangji didn't respond, but the faint color that rose to his cheeks was all the answer Wei Wuxian needed.


The days that followed were a blur of teasing, stolen glances, and quiet conversations. Though the conference was officially over,But still staying in Gusu for lectures. He would wander the grounds, often finding himself in Lan Wangji's company, and while they rarely spoke of their past, the air between them buzzed with a tension that neither could quite name.

One afternoon, as they walked through the quiet forests that surrounded the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian turned to Lan Wangji, his tone more serious than usual. "Lan Zhan, do you ever think about the future? About... what's next for us?"

Lan Wangji hesitated, his gaze focused on the path ahead. "The future is uncertain. But I know what I want."
Wei Wuxian blinked, surprised by the answer. "And what's that?"
Lan Wangji stopped walking, turning to face him fully. His eyes, deep and steady, held Wei Wuxian's gaze with an intensity that made his heart race.



**To be continued...**

Hello everyone how are you there?
Um, there is going to be a twist in the stories and hope you are ready for it.

Tell me in the comments, how you feel about this chapter. Bye. 👋😊

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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