In a futuristic metropolis, a groundbreaking experiment meant to revolutionize neural technology has gone horribly wrong. A strange virus is unleashed, infecting the minds of the city's residents, twisting their thoughts and transforming them into mindless, heartless monsters. Desperation grows as scientists scramble to understand the nature of the virus while the infected tear the city apart. Ordinary people must become heroes, fighting to survive in a world where the greatest threat is not an outside force-but their own minds. With no cure in sight, a battle between humanity and its own darkness begins.
Just try it for once 🙂
Unexpected Love
AdventureLalisa Manoban, a vibrant and outgoing senior at university, has always believed in the fairytale version of love-a perfect prince charming sweeping her off her feet. As she nears graduation, she expects to find this ideal romance any day now. But w...