September 14 2024

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This actually happened yesterday, but everything was too hectic for me to actually write this

Alright, so starting off the day, I almost went out the door too late for my bus. I made it, but it was definitely cutting it close. 

I had about half of a C4 energy drink because I was tired af(it was 200mg in total so I had about 100mg)and gave the rest to my sister and our friend. Then I shoved the empty can into my backpack

The bus got to the school and the principal started talking to the bus driver about an emergency drill. The bus backed up a bit, and my friend opened the back of the bus. Outside the bus was my old math teacher and someone who I can't remember right now. We all knew the bs process of getting out the back. Jump out or sit and slide. First it was our friend, then my sister, and me. We all jumped down, and I was the only one who stumbled a bit. Not a big deal, just embarrassing. It sucked cause I hadn't talked to my old math teacher in like a year, and the first time I have a chance to, I fucking fell-

During breakfast, I realized I was shaky from the caffeine and that it probably had something to do with me falling from the bus lol other than that, breakfast was fine

First period was band. I was light headed from playing my flute but that was it

Second period was gym. Personally, my fatass doesn't like gym. The only part I like is stretching and walking. My friends and I pretty much just chased each other around calling each other by whatever family role they've been gifted with(for example, some of my friends call me mom because I've 'adopted' them). Also, I did the toe touches a little too low and my legs hurt

Skip third and fourth

Fifth period: L u n c h. We went in, sat down, then went up for food. I came back to my table with my tray and my friend was in my seat looking depressed as hell. I was confused, concerned, and annoyed. Yeah, I'm worried, but I'm also fat and want to eat. Anyways, I ask if he's alright, my other friend who was next to him shook her head and mouthed nope. He slowly lifted his head and didn't actually say yes or no. He said he hit someone's head hard as a joke. Apparently the person had something sensitive (I forget what) and they accidently bit their lip and had to go home. So he was upset and said "Now I have to live with the guilt of it." Well, yeah. You did stupid shit, got stupid results. 

Hopefully that girl is okay, but in all honesty I just wanted to sit down in my spot and because of his depressed ass I couldn't. I wasn't gonna kick him out of the seat since that's just rude though, so I sat on the other side. 

Later during lunch, the security guard came to the table and started pointing at a few kids, INCLUDING ME, and looking somewhere across the cafeteria. Naturally we all got a little nervous. We all started looking around to see who tf he was looking at, but didn't know. How about he was looking at one of the students for confirmation because they said "the one in the black shirt at that table did[whatever]" ME AND LIKE SIX OTHER PEOPLE WERE WEARING BLACK SHIRTS. I STILL HAVE ZERO CLUE WHAT HAPPENED

Skip sixth because I don't remember anything(it was probably fine)

Seventh: Math. Normally I really like math, but this year I don't really. There's two levels for math, there's my class, which is faster, and then there's the other, which goes slower. I'm good at math, but this is going too fast and I feel like I'm falling behind. No, I will not ask her to slow down or help me. I had to make up a quiz, plus I have to make up homework(I was absent from her class for two days). I was mentally clocked out for the day, but I was still trying to do the test to the best of my abilities. 

Eighth perioddddddd, English. My brain had died the moment I walked in. I love English class and am really good at the work, so this was awful. Everyone already had their notebooks, which I apparently missed the cue for. I came to class on time, just after everybody else. Again, I missed two days of this class. 

The teacher moved where the notebooks were so I couldn't even try to discreetly snatch it to do the notes on the board. There was a quiz(I didn't have to do it, but I said it would be fine.) I'm assuming I did alright but my brain was so fogged and I took longer than the other kids so I felt like freaking out. After the quiz we were supposed to start a new packet. I didn't know what to do so I didn't get the packet. She(teacher) came around to check sentences for the vocabulary(I didn't have them which she said was fine since I wasn't there.)

The rest of class time was spent by pinching my thigh, picking at my nails, biting my fingers, chewing my lip, and biting the inside of my cheek. The rest of the students were actually doing their work.

For about 30 minutes after that ended, I was stressing myself out to the point I would rather die than open my mouth and talk to someone

When we(my sister and I) got home I immediately went upstairs, ignoring my cousins and aunt(aunt 1) who were there. My sister came up with me and kept me a bit distracted from the intense thoughts of "I'm completely fucked and would rather jump off the roof".  She definitely did not mean to help out so much, but I appreciate that she did.

Later on, I went back to the first floor to act social so that I'm not being a total ass by hiding in my room. I accidentally left my phone on my bed but decided it was too late to go get it. I regretted that decision quickly. My other aunt(aunt 2)came over with her kids.

It was fine, loud, but fine.

My aunt's (2)oldest wasn't listening to her so she yelled at him. My mom yelled at her and said that his behavior didn't need that reaction. Blah blah blah. The aunt(1) who was there originally asked why I was still downstairs(She knows I prefer to stay in my room) I just shrugged because I didn't want to explain that I wanted to seem like I have a shred of human decency.

At the end of the night, my sister went for a sleepover at aunt 2's house and I've basically been alone in my room since then

As always, please don't report me! ♡ 

Have a good day/night!!!! Love you all, BYEEEEEEE


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