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November 2013.

Ayame sat at her desk at Jujutsu High, looking at the pile of papers she'd accidentally allowed to accumulate. She'd sorted through most of them and only had a few remaining. All she needed was a few more hours to herself, and Aya was sure she'd be able to wrap things up.

That hope quickly went out the window as the door to her office swung open, and Satoru strolled in with his usual confidence. He looked as he always did, dressed in his uniform with his blindfold keeping his hair styled upright. Aya could sense he was up to something from the playful grin on his face.

"There you are Boogey. I was looking for you!" He declared, casually taking a seat on her desk.

Aya sighed, leaning back in her chair to look at the man. "What is it Satoru? I'm busy." She stated.

"Surely, I'm more important." Gojo replied making Aya roll her eyes.

"What do you want Gojo?"

"Help me train the first years today. I think a showcase of your powers could be good for them." He suggested.

Satoru had gotten a little bored with the usual training and figured Ayame could serve as a bit of inspiration for them all. She was more like an unofficial assistant teacher if anything but might as well have been official with how often she got roped into aiding Gojo with his students. Aya didn't mind though.

Due to the fact that she was basically immune to Satoru's antics, she found that being around them served as sort of a buffer. If she wasn't around, it was common that Maki, Panda, Yuta, and Toge would all come find her to ask how she's put up with him for so many years.

"How is that helping you if I'm the one showcasing? Besides, I need to finish this." Aya spoke with a straight face, referring to the papers he was sitting on.

"The papers aren't going anywhere." He said, waving her off. "And I'll participate, I promise." He continued, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Aya said nothing. Instead, she stood from her chair, walked around to the front of her desk, and stood in front of Gojo, only leaving a few inches between them. She gently slid his blindfold off his eyes, allowing his white hair to fall around his face.

Ayame let out a light sigh, knowing there was no way she could deny the man sitting before her, and he knew it too. She had a habit of allowing Satoru to have his way because he was never one to make an unreasonable request. However, her leniency had made him spoiled over time.

"Promise again." Aya requested, gazing deeply into his star-like orbs, making the blue-eyed man's imagination run wild.

A sly smirk formed on Satoru's face before he responded, "I promise."

"Good enough for me." Aya said with a smile, "Let's go." But before she could move away, Satoru grabbed her waist holding her in place.

"Since I have you here, I have one more thing to ask." He murmured, triggering the familiar fluttering sensation in Aya's stomach.

"What is it?" Aya asked, attempting to maintain her composure as Gojo lingered just centimeters away from her neck.

"Can I spend the night? We can watch a movie--I'll even let you pick." Satoru proposed, hiding his face in her neck to mask his true intentions. In reality, he hadn't slept the past couple of nights, and Aya had always been the remedy to his insomnia.

"Sure Satoru." Aya agreed, making Gojo sit upright with his usual smile on his face, resisting his urge to take things further.

It had been 9 months since Aya & Gojo had escalated the physicality of their friendship, but it was though it had never happened. Suguru's unwanted surprise was partially to blame, as it gave them too much to try to process at once. Between that and missions keeping them busy, there was no time for them to have a proper discussion. Eventually it felt too late to try and bring up. Ayame was worried at first, but when she next saw Gojo, he was back to acting like his usual self.

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