Forks High-School

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Authors Note P.S. I'm so sorry I haven't updated that much...... o_Sorry if its bad. If you find anything bad and here I'm very sorry. Please comment what you think sorry if it's short I tried my best. Remember: No harsh comments..... Thanks Bye o_O.

Our new high-school wasn't that far from the new house we had. If you considered not counting the minutes and every hour. Pulling up to the new school of ours you could see the banner that easily gave you clues and hints that this was Forks, high school. "Yay! I said jumping up and down. We were finally at the destination we were all excited about, well at-least I know I was.

Giving me a grin jasper started to grab my hand; which was very relax-able in a way. "Seems like someone is a little too hyped today." Emmett said using one of his lame remarks to make me unrestrained. Which was not working so much considering I'm too happy for any mean remarks.

"Emmett!" Edward said kinda getting pissed off at everything and everyone. In I don't blame him I mean who could. I remember the day when Carlisle spread the news and said we were moving from Alaska to here Forks,Washington.I mean yeah we were all happy; but he was both mad and happy at the same time which makes me think? Whats wrong with him? Ugh! who knows.

Jumping out of the car with jasper's grip still on hand I was absolutely Ecstatic. Grinning at jasper we ran to catch up with all the others. Who were impossibly fast.


Getting into the school we could see most of our federal peers sitting in the front office. With their heads down and their legs open; which really amazes me. What did they do to get into trouble, then again I could possibly be wrong some of them might be down  with the flu. I heard that is spreading around vastly.Walking up to the front desk I heard the lady and Carlisle talking about paperwork or something like that.

It didn't take but 6 minutes of thinking and  grunting to realise that they were talking about the enrolled papers; which was pretty noticeable since your at a new school and you have to have paperwork to get in. Wow! I'm a little off today, I guess its because I'm so excited to be at a new school where I get to see new people.

Turning to jasper I could tell that the smell of human blood wasn't settling so well on his stomach; If he could I know he would devour every single last human and this entire room. "It's alright jasper I know you won't hurt them." I said trying to calm his thirst down. While putting my arm through his I could tell he was calming down, by the looks of his smile. Which kinda made me happy; and also part of his pain expression went away;but only part.

Looking at us Edward started to started to grin a little; which was out of proportion since nothing in this situation was by far funny. Glaring at him, me and Jasper started to give him this little look that a cat gives a mouse before it gets ready to devour it. "Edward! What's so funny?" I asked being so unrealistic about it.

"I'm sorry but I think jasper can take care of his self, I mean he's not a little kid. In here you are talking to him like he's five or something." Edward said still grinning a little which made me smile just a tad bit.

"I'm so sorry if you take my kindness as a joke; but jasper likes it when i do that! Don't you jasper?" I said sounding kind of weird. Waiting on jasper to respond with his answer, I figured that he wasn't so I just glared at him like a fool.

"Yes!" Jasper finally manage to get out.Turning around I knew that Edward finally gave up with trying to bicker with us. In finally it was just me and jasper.


Filling out all of the paper-work took longer than I had expected it to, but finally it was all over. Coming out to shake our hand was a; Tall, rather than average guy, blond hair,and I would say he was age 30 at the very least. "Hello, welcome to Forks High-school. My name is Larry Witclaire and I will be your principle this year at this beautiful school. If you have any concerns or any question, My assistant (front desk lady) will be here to help you with all your needs. Remember: To be best at all times." He said as he was going around shaking all of our hands, getting to Emmett he mumbled " I can tell your an handful." In he was absolutely correct. Going around saying everything that he has on his mind he Finally got to me, and Jasper.

"Um you must be the good/ fun to hand around girl? I bet it's going to be a pleasure of you here!" He said smiling at me.

"Yes sir! It sure is." I said smiling while glaring at his face.Not saying a word to Jasper he finally manage to get it out "You seem like the bad boy." Giving him a stare the principle knew  that it would be best to leave him alone at any circumstances. " Well your schedules are on the printer, and will be done shortly. Does anybody have any concerns or questions?" The principle asked us while looking at Esme. If I didn't know anything else I would say the principle has a little crush on her.Not saying a word everybody sat there looking at each others like statues. Standing up the assistant (front desk lady) Went to go get the schedules from the printer. Coming back she laid them down hoping that we would grab them; which we did. Looking at my schedule and Jasper's I noticed that we had every class together except for the last one.

Grasping jasper hand I started jumping up and down like an complete lunatic. Finally manage to stop the principle dismissed us and we were on our way to our classes with him Following us.


After taking everybody to their classes and introducing them to their new teachers me, and jasper was one of the last to get to our classroom. Opening the door everybody stopped and glared at us; which was annoying. This was just great!

"Hello Mr.Jackson These are your 2 new students Alice cullen, and jasper hale." The principle said facing the teacher as he started to walk over to us. Shaking our hand he started to say "Nice to meet you." Smiling he knew that was the only respond he would get from me.

"Well you both can take the two empty seats located and the back. In we all are happy that you guys could intend this school with us." Mr. Jackson our new teacher said to us as we started to walk back to our new and improved asigned seats. Glaring at Jasper I could see that a pain expression was going across his face as we past every living human being. Grabbing his soft hands as we sat down I knew that  my touch would make it go away. Smiling at him I knew that this would be a long day ,and I was ready and excited for it.

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