Chapter 10 It Was An Accident

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 The school year was over and we were at Harmony again. One day as Aunt Eleanor took me to the Bulletin, Philip and I talked about books.

 "So which books have you read lately?" He asked.

 "I can't find any good books," I complained,"I've read almost every book in our house and aunt's and I'm only 12."

 Philip handed me a book, grinning,"You'll like this one."

 "Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini," I read the cover."Captain Blood! I don't think my aunt would even let this book in the house."

 "He isn't bloody at all," Philip explained,"Pretty decent book, if you like pirates," I nodded,"I promise I'll have it returned next week." 

 It was such an intriguing book, I read it while I did my chores and almost all night. The next day I was folding laundry while reading it, when I heard my Aunt Eleanor say.

 "I didn't tell you to read and do laundry at the same time," my Aunt cleared her throat, she made me jump.

 "Oh, but Aunt Eleanor this book is really exciting," I protested.

 She took the book from  where I had it propped up."Captain Blood! What a gruesome title. Where'd you get this?"

 "From Philip," I answered,"It's a pirate story."

 "Why on earth would you read such a book. The title already gives away what an indecent book this is. And the writer sounds Italian and Italian's swear and who knows what other indecent rubbish is in here. Which is exactly what this is rubbish!"

 "But Philip said it was a perfectly decent book," I argued,"And it is. And Italians are perfectly decent."

 "Young lady, this book is not decent,"she retorted,"I have a mind to burn it, but since it isn't yours I'll return it."

 "But, Aunt Eleanor," I protested.

 "No, but's," she replied.

 "You haven't  read it and don't you always say don't judge a book by it's cover," I replied.

 "I know," she scoffed,"But this is an exception." she pointed at the basket of laundry,"Finish folding the laundry."

 "I won't," I whispered defiantly, as she left. I got up and ran, outside over to Aunt Abby's. I found Teddy drawing in the barn.

 "What are you doing?" I asked.

 "Drawing, isn't it obvious," he replied,"What about you?"

 I pulled up a stool beside him,"Nothing much, Aunt Eleanor took my book away."

 "What book?" He asked curious.

 "Captain Blood and his last name is Blood not that he kills people," I explained,"And because of the title Aunt Eleanor forbid me from reading it."

 "Well, I guess you can't read it," Teddy answered drily.

 "You make it sound easy," I sighed.

 "It is," he replied.

 I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

 "Verity!" I turned around to find Frances.

 "What is it?" I asked.

 "Aunt Eleanor wants you and she's angry. Are you in trouble," she gasped,"I hope you're not in trouble."

 "I'm sure I won't be," I answered, knowing I was.

 Teddy gave his usual 'what did you do now.' look. I just shrugged my shoulders in reply.

 When I got home, my aunt was upset.

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