Chapter 27

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I had waited up for a couple of hours for my mum to return home. But when it got to eleven I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. My grey tabby was keeping me company as I lazily stroked over his soft fur. Doug stretched out over my stomach, his gentle purring relaxing, my fingers scratching him behind the ears.

I reluctantly rose from bed, quickly brushing my teeth and hair before climbing back into the duvet.

"Let's go to bed, Doug." I whispered.

He seemed to be in agreement, settling down beside me and falling asleep. My fingers switching off the bedside light. I had closed my eyes for what felt like a couple of seconds when my phone buzzed. A groan released from my lips before I patted the surface to my right. The screen was bright, my eyes squinting as I held the phone above my face.

From: Lucy

"Fancy a catch up tomorrow? X"

I smiled before replying, deciding we should meet up at the local coffee shop. I wasn't too keen on hot drinks but they made a mean fruit smoothie. Charlotte and Zoe would be joining us and I realised how much I had missed my friends. A lot had happened since I had last spoken to them. I'd been so wrapped up in Harry that I hadn't even told them I was now his girlfriend. I had a feeling they would be curious about our situation. We had become very close. They knew nothing of the painful events of Harry's past. But that was something I would keep between Harry and myself. They didn't need to know about his dad or what he had done. Harry trusted me.

It was almost as if Harry knew my mind had been commandeered by thoughts of him. I smiled reading the text that had just come through on my phone.

From: Harry

"Goodnight, Beautiful. X"

His simple words made me smile. And that night my dreams were solely of a breath-taking curly haired, boy.


I rolled over groaning as a hand caught hold of my shoulder, gently shaking me to wake.



An amused laugh sounded. It took me a few seconds to recognise the happy noise before I jolted up, squeezing my mum in a tight hug.

"Mum." I smiled. "I missed you so much."

She kissed the top of my head as I held her. For the next hour my mum sat on my bed as we talked. Our grey tabby curled up in her lap as she gently stroked him. The ill relative she had visited was making a gradual recovery in hospital. She believed they would be fully recovered within the next week or so. Well, that was her own medical opinion. Her time away meant my mum would have to take some night shifts at the local hospital where she worked as a nurse. So even though she was now home her body clock would have her sleeping during the day to accommodate her work in the evening. I was disappointed but there wasn't much I could do about it.


I twirled my straw in the fruity drink as I listened to the other girls talk. My mind on other things. When I looked up, Charlotte's head was tilted, eyes inquisitively trained on my face. I gave her a questioning look before she spoke.

"How far have you gone with Harry?"

My eyes widened in surprise as I coughed awkwardly. I darted my vision round to the other tables in the coffee shop, desperately hoping no-one was eavesdropping on our now very personal conversation. My cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.

"You don't have to answer, I'm just curious." She continued.

By this time the other girls were now intently waiting for my reply. Lucy's straw was held in her mouth as she noisily sucked up her drink. The off-putting sound distracting me for a second.

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