Room in my Heart for You (Kenma x Male Reader)

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Dammit! The steaming instant ramen burnt my tongue. I gulp down my water when the front door opens. I look up and watch as Kenma walks in and takes off his shoes. His eyes are glued to his PSP.

I get back to my late dinner. Not that I can eat it now that I damaged my tongue for life. Okay...I'm exaggerating. Still, it hurts like hell.

Since Kenma and I broke up last month, I don't have to greet him anymore.

Yeah...we still live together. Unfortunately, both of our names are on the lease. The rent is also cheap since we're both students at the university.

He doesn't stop to greet me either. Not that it bothers me. He goes straight to our bedroom. Yeah...we also still share a room since this is a one-bedroom apartment.

I know his routine. Instead of studying, he'll most likely start streaming while playing his video games. I've learned how to sleep with the constant distraction. Like keys to a piano, I used to find it soothing to fall asleep to the sound of his controller.

When I finish in the kitchen, I walk into the room to grab my pajamas. He doesn't even notice which is perfectly fine.

Since he is focused on his game, I go ahead and change.

He shouts as soon as I pull my shirt off.

"(Y/N)! My viewers can see you."

Blushing hard, I pull my shirt back on.

He pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in frustration.

"I'm sorry, Ken-Ken...I mean...Kenma." I still feel strange calling him by his real name instead of one of the nicknames I gave him while we were dating. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

He stares at his screen. "They...uh...want to meet you."

My eyes widen. "You're kidding!"

He motions for me to sit on his lap.

I shake my head. "Hell no. You know I'm shy when it comes to that. Not to mention the fact they already saw me in my boxers."

He gets up and grabs my hand. "Come on. Just a few minutes."

I comb my hair back with my fingers. "You're serious, aren't you?"

"Yes. Now sit."

I sit on his lap. So many comments and questions pop up on his screen. How does he keep up with them all?

Most of them are asking if I'm his boyfriend. Kenma glances at me before responding.

"Yeah, his name's (Y/N). We've been dating for a while." he types.

I try to hide the look of surprise on my face.

He glances at me again. His expression tells me to go along.

I blush when I see a lot of his fans asking us to kiss. I turn my head to face him.

"They want us to kiss. How do you feel about that?" I say.

We've kissed many times before. However, Kenma always had a problem with public display of affection.

He nods. "Uh...sure. What's one kiss?"

I can see his throat roll as he stares at my lips. We close the gap between our faces until I feel his breath on my lips. The sound of my heart pounding deafens me.

He grabs my waist and presses his lips against mine. All of the memories of us dating flood my mind. We had a wonderful relationship. Unfortunately, his gaming took precedence. I get it. He gains an income from his streams.

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