The Secret Life of Women

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"Go away!" Taylor yelled.

"Teffy?" a voice said, opening the bedroom door.

Taylor looked up to see her younger brother Austin.

"Oh, I thought you were Joe or Mother", Taylor said, wiping her tears away.

"What's wrong, Teffy?" asked Austin.

"I just don't want to marry that man. He's a sexist and doesn't want daughters and I know I will be miserable in life with him", Taylor sobbed.

"I'm sorry you have to marry him. He doesn't deserve you", Austin said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You think?" Taylor asked, sitting up in bed while wiping at her blue eyes.

"Oh, Teffy, I know. Are you aware of how many of my friends I've had to keep away from you because they've commented on your attractiveness?" Austin asked. Taylor was his older sister and they were close. Ever since the day he was born his older sister was on his side, and he wished to reciprocate that.

Taylor smiled and shook her head. "No, I've never been told this".

Austin sat beside his sister on her bed in silence, letting her speak whenever she wished.

"You know, since I was a little girl I've dreamed of finding my person, my other half. I thought that whomever Father would choose for me would be that person. But now I realize how foolish that thought was because there isn't such a thing as a soulmate. Marriage is simply for money and assets, and I can't believe it's taken me nineteen years to figure this out", Taylor said with rage, tears spilling out of her eyes.

"Don't cry, sister. I'm sure there's a soulmate for you and one for me but we don't have the luxury most do of finding them. We're forced to marry for those things you mentioned, but there is still a choice", Austin stated. He wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Oh, how I do hope you're right. I'm sure he's somewhere looking for me but I can't find him because I'm engaged to stupid Joseph Alwyn", Taylor said, practically spitting Joe's name out of disgust.

"You know, Teffy, I can relate more about your situation than you think. I am to be the future king and that comes with many responsibilities that you don't have", Austin said.

"Oh, I wish to be queen someday. And I was going to for three years but then you were born", Taylor said.

"I'm sorry you loathe the day I was born so much", said Austin with a smile.

"No, I apologize. I do not loathe that day. If it weren't for that day I wouldn't have a companion through this mess", Taylor said with nostalgia.

The siblings sat in silence until Taylor broke the silence. "What does Father make you do that he doesn't make me do?".

Taylor let out a tired laugh. "Lets see, get married when I just turned 19 four months ago, you don't have to wear these tight, long gowns all the time. Oh, here's a good one, bare children that I may not even live to see because nobody in this whole dreaded kingdom is doing research to improve childbirth in the least. And that was only naming a few", Taylor sighed.

"That is a lot on your shoulders", Austin agreed.

Suddenly, a knock at the door startled the siblings.

"Taylor, you are to be extremely grateful! Even though you rudely slapped Joe while dancing, he still wishes to marry you. Do you see the great man that he is?" Andrea asked.

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