In which Mika pulls a Ferid

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"I heard that I can offer you my blood in exchange for nice things..." There was a boy no older than twelve offering himself to Mika. He tried to look appealing to the vampire — innocent smile, big doe eyes — but Mika wasn't fooled as it was the same facade he would use while he survived as livestock in Sanguinem. The boy reminds Mika of himself — of when he was human. Mika never liked the thought of feasting on human blood, much less a child. If he were to, he would become a true vampire — one that never ages. Mika wants to be as human as possible when he reunites with Yuu, but he is thirsty. He hasn't been able to collect blood from Krul as she gave him separate living quarters from herself. She had another mansion built just for him. Maybe she planned this — depriving Mika of blood so he would be tempted to try a human's. Well, it was working.

Mika kneeled down and held the boy's chin, ignoring the shiver the young boy let out, "I'm Mikaela. What is your name, human?" He would need to know who he was before having any agreement of sorts.

"Shindo Tensei," Tensei actually had the gall to stare Mika right in the eyes, forest green meeting sapphire orbs. The fear in his eyes sent a sick sense of delight into Mika but he immediately stomped it out.

Humming, Mika stated some rules for their agreement, "You'll not come to my estate daily. That would cause suspicion as well as getting your blood drawn twice a day would not be good for you health-wise." Tensei held a look of confusion at the comment about his health as Mika continues, "I would prefer you come late in the day but if you do come earlier, I will not object. While at the mansion, I will allow you to roam and take anything that you please. If you have a request, make sure it is reasonable and I will provide it. Is this to your liking?"

Tensei stood still and Mika waited patiently for a response. Those conditions were better than he expected — far too lenient. But, if what the vampire said was true, he would be able to better provide for his family. Tensei nodded and Mika could see the determined glint in his eyes, "Can I come over tonight, Mikaela-sama?" This was happening faster than Mika had expected. Could he really go through with drinking this child's blood? "I want to bring home enough food to feed all my family — enough for a feast — as a celebration!" Mika's eyes widened. This scene was vaguely familiar...

"Ferid-sama! I want to bring home so much food that we have too much to eat!" Mika walked through the hallways of Ferid's mansion with a big smile on his face.

Ferid held Mika's wrist as he pulled him through the halls, "Anything you want, my little lamb~! Your blood is my prize."

Mika let out a laugh, "It's all yours, Ferid-sama."

"Of course, your blood is my prize, after all..." The sentence rolled off of Mika's tongue before his thoughts could catch up.

Tensei froze before plastering on a smile, "Okay! I'm all yours, Mikaela-sama!"

Mika stiffly nodded before turning his back on the boy and walking away. He wanted to puke. This scenario was getting too close for him to be comfortable with. Was Tensei planning an escape with his family as Mika did? This boy... He was more similar to the old Mika than he liked to admit. And Mika was acting similar to Ferid in his own ways. Mika was acutely aware of every minuscule reaction Tensei made, from the emotions shining in his eyes to the slightest flinch he made when the vampire reached out to him. A sort of sadistic glee generated in the pit of Mika's stomach but it was shooed out as soon as it came. Mika was not Ferid or any other vampire. He would not take pleasure in the suffering of humans.

After hours came much too early in Tensei's opinion. He waited until everyone went to bed and made his way to where he knew Mika's manor was. It wasn't as if he wanted to have his blood sucked out by a vampire — he never liked the blood-draining process and assumed it would be similar — but he was doing it for his family. Tensei was curious though. He heard that it was against the rules for a vampire to feast directly from a human in Sanguinem. How was drinking blood straight from the source better than drinking it from a bottle or something? He could ask Mikaela- No. Vampires could not be trusted, no matter how nice and sugar-coated their words were. All he could hope was that there was no hidden agenda in his words.

In which Mika pulls a FeridWhere stories live. Discover now