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AN: Happy anniversary to the fic with the really long name! It's the big chapter.

(Note: using the anniversary off the AO3 upload)


N hovered nervously above Uzi, his tail swaying from side to side. Gore covered the ground around them as small fragments of snow fell around them, illuminated by the light of the dual moons above. N's eyes were locked with Uzi's.

"Now", she said again. Not a statement, a command.

He swallowed, "o-ok. Yeah. This has gone on long enough". A frown as he looked again at her stretched midriff.

"Hey", he looked at her, "dude I'm, like, super freaked out right now. If I say anything mean, I don't mean it".

He nodded, "yeah. Same. This is... really freaky. A body's not supposed to look like this".

"I can't even see my pelvis", she said, "dude, you have to get this out of me".

"Yeah, no, you're not supposed to look like this ", he said touching it again, "you're just... ripping!".

She rolled her eyes, "that's your cue to get cutting, Romeo. I'm gonna stop ripping once there's nothing in me".

He nodded, "yeah sor–". He felt it, and by her look she did too. Hollowed eyes looked at each other in terror. "W-What was–".

"Get cutting!", she shrieked, "God damn it, N! Just do it already!".

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry", he apologized, "I'm on it!". His hand changed out to his claws and he hovered above the top portion of her midriff. The tip of his claw traced uncertain strokes just above the surface.

The tip was met by the surface moving up to meet it briefly. Their eyes followed the movement around the mass as it... moved?

"Uzi?!", he shrieked, " what the hell is inside you?!" .

Her hand covered her view of her midriff as she looked away. "I-It should just be a duplicate of my wings and tail? That's what I found out! Dammnit, just cut it out!".

With renewed motivation to see this through, N's claw sank into her soft outer material. He didn't want to tear into anything he shouldn't, so he kept the cut shallow. Uzi visibly flinched at this. Her hands, all 4 of them, clenched tight as pain shot through her. Her tail swung around behind N.

Liquid began to ooze from the cut. His mouth was tempted to lap it up. Another careful movement and the cut elongated, liquid red dripping out. He grimaced. That's definitely not normal.

Dragging his claw all the way up and down the mound, the cut began to pull apart on its own. Uzi was clearly trying to not make much noise, her whimpers catching his attention anyway. He felt bad for her, "sorry. You can tell me to stop".

"K-Keep going", she said with a shaking voice, "j-just get it o-out".

He nodded and exchanged his other hand out for another set of claws. Worry lines appeared on his face as he took in the movement coming from the mass again. One set of claws gripped one side and the other set the other. A wall of purple flesh greeted him as he pulled back her inorganic covering.

He frowned, "oh jeez. That's a lot of meat". Uzi didn't reply.

Removing one set of claws, he began to remove it from her inorganic parts. It somehow stuck to her insides fairly well. With a section freed, he tried to grab the organic mass but found his hands too large for this.

Another frown. "Uzi?", he said, "I think I need to cut you more to get this out. My hands are super big for this".

"Just do it", she began to sob, "j-just get it out".

"It's like 10 years after the show ends so Uzi and N decide to have a kid" AUWhere stories live. Discover now