Ep 1: Awaken

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His mind was stuck in a black void, thoughts merky and shallow. He felt cold and felt the iron bloodlust from v1 disappear. He has died

His nerves felt cold within the void. He realized he still had thought. Was this his fate? Trapped within a dark void, forever wallowing in his own self doubt.

No, it cant be like this. My goals will not be snuffed out, I won't let it. Minos's mind raced once more, a final rush of thought in a bid for survival. He reached out his hand feeling for something more then just pitch black nothing. Screaming in his mind.

"I can't give in, I love my children too much to be broken now. Abandoning them now puts all my effort no... all THEIR effort. All of mankind trials and tribulations to not. Man will not falter, because I wont let it!"

He felt his spirit coming back to him, fragmented will, forming him once more. Light appears in the darkness, willpower and resolve pushing his body forward.

"Wait for me, I will not leave all of you! Not again!"

Fingers twitch in the snow. A cold setting in on Minos's soul. His body sluggish and heavy. He presses both arms down and lifts himself from the white blanket on the ground. Minos survey's the area, the sleeping woods surrounding him. He rose to his feet and began to wander around.

The smell of blood and rot wasn't wafting in the air. Rather the air was crisp and frigid, it was no doubt the surface. Minos was free from hell, but his current location was still unknown.

Soon he walked into a clearing of the forest that leads to a cliff. Walking to the edge, he surveyed the horizon for signs of civilization. looking over the rolling mountains, he spotted a long road heading over the range.

He squatted down and tensed his legs. The strength of him rose, but he noticed it was slightly less then what he expected. His body must be more taxed then he thought. whether it be from the fight with the Creature of Steel, or his body reappearing from oblivion it wasn't quite clear.

He leaped over the pines and dormant trees. Landing softly as not to smash any trees and doom the smaller animals to the frost during hibernation.
Walking to the open pathway, he simply began to follow it. Eventually he came across a carriage, broken down and bathed in snow. Looking through the wreckage, he found a crate covered in a large cloth. He took the cloak and wrapped himself in it.

"Although I have their best intetions in mind, I doubt anyone would trust a 6 foot, phantom spectre, with visible blood vessels, a hole for a face, and a crown seeping in his cranuim."

lifting the top of the crate, Minos peaked inside. A horrid smell of spoiled food and dust filled his face. Thankfully he doesnt have a nose, if he doesnt wanna register a smell he just doesnt due to his bodyless form.

He rummages through the old goods, he finds wilted yellow map at the bottom, and a strange rod decorated in ivory and small jewels. Whatever it is, it seems quite valuable so he'll take it with him. looking to the side he finds an old leather satchel. files and papers fill the inside, old ink vials and feathered pens also stock inside. How strange, modern era pens would definetly suffice, why use ink and feather?

Minos fits the map and rod into his satchel and starts again down the road. The cloak does well to hide his body, but his head is still quite hard to cover.

He walked 8 miles down the path. Only woods and snow was all he saw. He didn't worry, he bided his time within the flesh prison for years, the walk was quite refreshing. Although the serene walk wouldn't last. Something began to pollute the air. Minos looked to the sky, he saw a pillar of smoke over the horizon.

"Fire? In a place like this?"

Minos quickened his pace, something was off and if there was a forest fire, he couldnt let it fester. Blitzing past trees, he eventually found the source. It was indeed a forest fire, smothering entire mountain tops. What could he do? As far as he knows, his spirit doesn't have water powers.


A loud scream could be heard from the fire, distant but clear. Without a second thought, he dove into the fire. Someone was in there and needed help. Minos strode through, the heat unaffecting his body, and moving to quick for the fire to latch on to his cloak.

Eventually, He found himself close to the eye of the fire. He saw bodies on the ground, spanning more and more the closer he got. Blood and smoke was evident in the air.

He bends down to ground and picks up a man from the ground. Half his face was burned, the remaining eye was left soulless, and body was left dismembered. Something did this with intention. Minos turned to the weapons the army of men brought. Balistai and chains made it seem like they were hunting a beast. The harpoons didn't hit anything, rather they stuck to the ground. The beast must have been swift  or too difficult to hit. An avian perhaps? what bird could possibly head such devastation.

A loud scream could be heard from behind Minos. He quickly covered himself in the large cloak. A man could be heard running from behind.


The man was frantic and rasping for air. He held down to his knees, catching his breath. He turned up, facing Minos's back.

"Sir, I don't know who you are, but the holy knights have already decreed this area be evacuated. I need to get you oyt of here while the squadron fight of tge beast."

A loud roar cuts off the man. Minos slightly turns to watch. Bodies go flying into the air, torched and mangled. There it was, the beast Minos was looking for.

"Oh holy lord, damned this foul winged salamander."

The knight was cursing too himself. He drew his shield.

"We need to leave now-"

The man stopped. Minos had taken off his cloak, and revealed the glowing figure beneath.

"Are you.. a spirit of the lord?"

The man dropped to his knees, hands is prayer, and began to weep in fear and prayer.

"Please, help my brethren, save my comrades. I beg of you!"

Minos stepped up and touched the man.

"Raise your head child, run and dont turn back. Leave this trivial matter to the King."

The man gritted his teeth and peirced his lip. He stood and ran, as fast as his fatigued body could go.

Minos turned the opposite direction.
Facing the beast, burning the mountain top with fire and blood.

"This is why I fight, man can not prosper in a dark cold world. A world that only sees its downfall."

Minos points to the beast, his translucent fist clenched. Blood rushing through his body in a torrent of adrenaline and rage. He knealt down to the ground and forced all his Power to his legs.


Minos Prime in Another World RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now