Ep 2: Dragon's Bane

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The Red dragon's neck hummed with heat and belched fire from it's maw. Snow and ice melted all around the burning mountain.

Minos balled his fist and lunged towards the dragon, Serpent Ball in hand. Dodging the beams of fire, Minos smashes into the beast's leg. It topples over and roar's in distress. The scale plating stopped most of the impact, but the sudden attack startled the monster. Raising it's claws, it slashes down upon Minos. He weaves between each one with ease, as if he was hovering above the ground.

Minos leaps into the air and aims his legs down.


The impact smashes the dragon down to the ground. It holds it's side and starts to stand up, belching fire to keep Minos off of him. It doesn't do much to impede him however. The broader sides of the dragon was heavily armored, like a suit of armor. Minos dashes backwards and takes a moment to look at the Beast. The Dragon's body was built heavily scaled, but like most armor the joints of it are the most vulnerable.


Minos launches at the Dragon and buries his leg into it's teeth. Tooth and fang gets launched out of the beast's mouth and it's ears begin to ring. The neck of the beast was almost broken from the immense force.

Minos gets to the ground and smashes in the Dragon's knee to stop it from moving. Jumping onto it's back and Running up his back he reels his fist and tries to smash in the wings from the shoulder. Getting to the ground, the beasts rolls in the dirt like a hound.

It needs to escape, this man is too much for it to handle. Lifting up and raising it's wings, it torrents fire at Minos.

Despite it's wish to leave, The King of The Lust Layer will not let it be. He fires a serpent ball at it's mouth to shut it up. Grabbing it's tail, Minos slowly drags the beast back down. Gripping harder and harder, his fingers tear into the hard scales of the dragon. Blood pours from its tail and the Dragon roars in terror.

It lashes it tail and blows Minos off his feet, lifting him into the sky. Going higher and higher, they soon pass the clouds. Minos slowly digs his finger in and climbs the dragon's tail. It freaks out the beast out and flaps around as hard as it could. Minos wouldn't yield, The dragon began to falter as the air began to thin. Minos wasn't affected by the thinning air, his body didn't even have lungs.

The Dragon rotated it's massive in a quick movement. It began to divebomb back into the ground, the air whipping around Minos.

With a loud crash, dirt split from the earth and buried some of corpses resting on the ground.

The dragon was gasping for air. It looked at it's tail, blood and evident finger holes were torn into it leading up his back.

Where was the man? It was no longer holding on to him, did he finally get knocked off? Maybe he died from the fall? Oh that'll would be a treat, once the beasts finds the corpse it'll make sure to tear it apart.

Looking around he couldn't find any other landing craters. The Dragon tilts his head up, it's eyes widen in fear.

Within the clouds, Minos Prime bathed in the sunlight. His holy figure looking down upon the beast, like a king to a mere ant.


Minos dives feet first, a loud boom sounded through the air. He had broken the sound barrier and erupted into fire, fast enough to ignite the air itself.

The crimson beast scrambled to it's feet, it began to panic and it's painful fatigue weighed it down. It blasts fire in defiance, a last ditch effort and Minos slams in and through the beast. A rippling display of gore and blood.  

It's arms go slack and the heat once boiling within it's body is swiftly snuffed out as it's organs are now splayed across the snowy ground. 

There Minos stands, feet sunken in blood and flesh. He grabs on to a bone sticking out of corpse and reels himself out of the mess. Laying himself atop the corpse, he looks around at scene. The hill was burnt and smoldering, the smell of iron and burning hair residues from the corpses, man and beast alike.

The fire had long since snuffed from the cold. Minos walks to a corpse on the ground. It wore armor reminiscent to European medieval armors, bearing a golden lion crest, and grasping a long bent halberd. 

"Dear god."

Minos turned around swiftly, shocked about any survivors still remaining in the area. It was the man from earlier, now stumbling with cloth wrapped around his battered limbs.

"Oh thank you dear spirit of war, with this beast vanquished I may hope to bury my brothers in arms." 

Getting close to Minos he falls to the ground. Minos knelt to help the man up, hoping he still had the ability to go on. Touching his back he realized the man was sobbing, tears didn't show from how frigid and dehydrated he was. 

"My child, pick yourself up."

Minos reached his hand down to the man's face, offering to help him up. The man took his hand and was firmly lifted back to his feet. Minos holds his shoulder and looks back to the fallen warriors splayed across the hill.

"Make your prayers, we must escape this cold soon."

The man, still shriveled in dried tears, walked past his guardian spirit and woefully through himself back to his knees. He took beads from his bag and placed his hands together. Minos never was much of a religious person, the heavens had denied him his beliefs for Lust, but he knew better then to deny others what they believed in. 

Moments past before the man began to get back up. he walked too Minos and properly introduced himself.

"Holy spirit, I give you my upmost thanks. My Name is Andrew of the Golden Hand. If you please, I ask of your aid once more. Please bless my brethren spiritual guidance to the heavens."

Minos was taken by surprise. Looking at the man, he knew it would be dear to him. Plus, it is the best of man who honors the dead. Minos repeated the hand sign Andrew did earlier and bowed his head. A moment of silence passes. Minos raises his head once more and looks to Andrew.

"Sir Andrew, please do not be misguided by my figure. I'm no better with this land then you are, I ask that you show me the way."

Andrew bowed his head to his savior and began to walk. 

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