Chapter Two

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I arrived at Regina's just seconds after she did. I hesitated to get out of my bug due to the hectic nerves I was feeling in my stomach.

Calm down Emma.

As I got to the front stoop I seen that she had left the door open for me. I took a hesitant step inside and stood there for a second trying to collect myself.

"Regina?" I called out as I walked toward the kitchen. When I seen she wasn't there I moved on to the living room. "Where are you?" I called out. I let out an aggravated huff when there was, again, no answer.

She really invited me here so she could just disappear.

Starting up the stairs I called out again. I didn't want to go peeking through the whole house but I was starting to worry.

Right as I reached for her bedroom door handle the door flung open. She let out a little yelp as I jumped back and grabbed my chest.

"What the hell are you doing up here?" She asked still trying to catch her breath.

"I called for you like fifty-million times and you didn't answer. I was starting to worry. So I came looking for you." I answered.

"Sorry I must of not heard you."

"Well that's obvious." I joked trying to lighten the mood. "What were you doing up here anyway?" I asked as I walked over to lean against the balcony.

"I was changing my clothes." she said as she started toward the staircase.

As I followed her back to the first floor I couldn't help but to notice her perfect figure. Her black skinny jeans and simple white v-neck shirt looked so radiant on her. As on any other person it would be a simple piece of cloth.

When we entered the kitchen I instinctively took a seat at the island in the middle. She took stance by the sink on the opposite side.

"So..." I trailed off hoping she would finally bring up the elephant in the room.

"So..." She echoed looking down at her feet. She switched her weight to her left leg.

"Look, I know there must be something you have to say to me seeing as you invited me here." I said growing confidence. "Of course I know what we need to talk about but I want you to tell me what you have on your mind." I continued.

Regina wasn't one to discuss personal feelings. She has had all these walls up her whole life; which I completely understand because I did as well. She just wanted to protect herself. I thought she would brush me off and ask me to leave.

"You." She stated. It was obvious she was surprised at her own answer.

I nearly fell of the stool. My mouth gaped open at her words. She knew how to take someone by surprise. That's for sure.

"Wh-uhh what?" I finally choked out. I wanted to make sure I had heard her correctly.

Regina took a deep breath and said it again. "You. I have you on my mind." She switched her weight around trying to get comfortable despite the uncomfortable tension in the room. "I have ever since that night." She then looked up, holding my gaze.

I couldn't bring myself to look away from her mesmerizing eyes. "Oh..." I replied.

"But I only have one question." She asked, walking toward the island. "What did that kiss mean to you?"

All of the sudden there was a lump in my throat. I couldn't think. I couldn't talk. I couldn't even move. I had feelings for Regina; I knew that for certain. We had always had a connection; at least I thought we had. I hoped she felt it too.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was out the door and in my car driving away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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