Chapter 3

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          The Doctor brings Gerard back to the year 2011. He's done this with companions countless times before, but this time he really wishes Gerard wouldn't leave.

         ''Do you want to go on a date before I never see you again?'' The Doctor asks.
        ''Can we have Chipotle?''

        ''Shit-otle? Um okay.''

       The Doctor and Gerard enter the local Chipotle. They realize that every table is taken, so they walk over to a table that is already seating 2 people; but has two more seats.
       ''We're going to sit here. This is Gerard, and I'm the Doctor.''
        ''I'm Maya and this is my stupid boyfriend Crisp Rat,'' the blonde says rudely.
        ''First of all, stop calling me fucking Crisp Rat,'' her boyfriend says.
        ''You look like a Crisp Rat. I wanted to go to Olive Garden not this shit,'' Maya pouts.
        Maya leans over the table and kisses ''Crisp Rat'' while he's eating the disgusting garbage they serve at Chipotle.


       Gerard starts laughing uncontrollably as Maya stands up indignantly and throws ''Crisp Rat's'' meal across the room. She then picks up her chair.
       ''I WILL SHOVE THIS CHAIR UP YOUR TINY RAT-ASS!'' She screams, and suddenly everyone in the restaurant is looking at the deranged girl.
      ''This is the worst double-date ever. That girl is not right in the head,'' Gerard says as Maya then falls to the ground crying.

      ''You need to love me more!'' She says through her sobbing. ''Crisp Rat'' picks her up and carries her out of the restaurant.


        After eating their meal, the Doctor and Gerard start to leave the restaurant. The Doctor stops, grabbing Gerard's arm and yanking him close.
      ''I need to ask you something really important...''
       ''What is it?'' Gerard looks into the Doctor's eyes.

        ''Will you - '' The Doctor is cut off as he suddenly hears violent yelling.
      ''You were cheating on me with a guy named Dan? Dan!? Really Maya?!'' 

       ''His full name is Daninard,'' Maya states calmly.
       ''But I loved you!''

       ''I'm cheating on Daninard with this sex-monster named Norman. He's a little demented. They both are. So are you. What is wrong with me?''
        There is more talking before you can hear Maya and her boyfriend making out.
       ''Want to go have sex in that blue police box over there?'' ''Crisp Rat'' says as he brings Maya close.

        ''I was joking, oh god...''


     ''Crisp Rat'' pays him 100£ and for a straight 2 hours, there is loud moaning and screaming coming from the box. Gerard and The Doctor sit on a bench outside of Venice, waiting for Maya and ''Crisp Rat'' to stop.
      ''Do you want to travel with me? It'll be great. I can bring you back in time for all of your concerts, I'll do anything you want me to, but will you please travel with me Gerard?'' The Doctor says seriously, looking up at Gerard.
      ''Yeah, of course,'' Gerard grins.
      Maya opens the Tardis door and Gerard and the Doctor stand up, and start to walk back to the box. The Doctor gently reaches for Gerard's hand as the Tardis door swings shut behind them.


Gerard In The Tardis: A 10th Doctor and Gerard Way FanficWhere stories live. Discover now