Chapter 1

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Immediately Following the Third Great Quest


That was what happened when the familias of Zeus and Hera challenged the OEBD.

A completely unexpected event that shook the world to its core.

As unease and fear took hold of Orario. The exile order of the familias came down.

Hoping to restore a semblance of peace the Guild with the support of the majority the deities expelled their former protectors.

Hera, a once proud goddess left without a word. She abandoned her thousand-year home and left behind none of her children. She and those very few that remained to guard their home left Orario.

Zeus the god of a once mighty familia, released his followers and told them to do what they will. He too left the city without a word to any of others.

The fun-starved deities that remained behind laughed, drank, and celebrated at chasing out the once great deities.

Two deities that they could never hope to best.

The responsibility they bore fore what was to come was immense, but with their glasses full and drunk on their perceived power none noticed the rising tide of Evilus until it was too late.

And only then did those foolish deities finally understand the gravity of their decision.

In the years after the defeat of Zeus and Hera at the hands of the OEBD, Orario slid to chaos.

The Gods of Evil rose and battled the forces of the Guild.

An unending war erupted between the two with the civilians caught in between.

As each year passed, the mountain of the dead continued to climb ever higher.

And streets of Orario drowned in ever deepening rivers of blood.

Until Finally the God of Darkness rose to lead the Evilus to a Great Feud.

A Seven Day Long Assault on the City.

The God of Absolute Malevolence plunged the city to despair.

But the light of the Heroes was not so easily extinguished.

In the end the light of the Heroes outshone the depths of Darkness

The Heroes triumphed and burned away the darkness.

Thought battered and bruised the city of Orario took a single step forward after that.

But this is a tale that starts far away from Orario in a small mountain village.

Where a small white haired and red-eyed baby slept while an old man with gray hair and a mustache looked on upon him fondly.

Bell's Age 6:

The fields surrounding the small farmhouse stretched endlessly in every direction, golden in the fading light of late afternoon. Bell had lived here with his grandfather for six years, a life marked by routine and quiet. Days blurred into one another, filled with the steady rhythm of farm work and evening lessons. His grandfather worked the land tirelessly, while at night, he taught Bell to read, write, and speak Koine. But it was the stories—the tales of heroes and distant lands—that lit a fire inside Bell, stirring dreams of a world far beyond the village.

Albert Waldstein, The Hero who drove back the Dread Apocalypse

Celdia, the Queen of the Elves,

Evelda, the Empress of the Amazonesses.

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