Forever with you my love.
"I'll never leave you John."
His voice is soft and gentle.
"I'll never leave you John."
We dance to our favourite song.
"I'll never leave you John."
He kisses me as we both say 'I do'.
"I'll never leave you John."
He laughs as our son dances around.
"I'll never leave you John."
He watches as our sons daughter graduates.
"I'll never leave you John."
He kisses me as we drift off to sleep.
"I'll never leave you John."
The heart monitor beeps.
"I'll never leave you John."
The doctor said he didn't have much time.
"I'll never leave you John."
He says his goodbyes to family and friends.
"I'll never leave you John."
He places his weak pale hand on my heart.
"I'll never leave you John, for I will stay. Your heart will be full of love as your mind full of memories. I'll never leave you my Dear Watson for I will always be here."
Beep. Beep. Beep
"I'll never leave you John, for I will stay. Your heart will be full of love as your mind full of memories. I'll never leave you my Dear Watson for I will always be here. Night and day I think of the love we shared. No no no."
He wipes away a stray tear running down my face.
"Don't cry for me love, cry for the memories for the laughs. Cry for the future and what's left to come. Don't cry for me my love cry for you."
He gets weaker with every breath.
"I'll never leave you John for I love you to much to say. For you have shown me light in the darkest of times. Forgive me my love for I cannot stay with you for the rest of your life. But thank you for staying with me till the end of mine."
I kiss him gently and he returns using the rest if his strength to weakly squeeze my hand.
"I'll never leave you John I will.
Forever be with you my love."
Soooooo tell me of you like it and I might write another one
- Kiki