The conversations with no ending, with a blunt end that pierce you thoroughly. The conversations felt like coming to an end but then left with memories of a handful of feelings may be one sided but it kept hurting. This will be the story or maybe th...
Her prayers in his name While wondering How is he doing? Those Long gaps In between the short convo Left her broken. She kept holding those pieces Thinking of taking a step Towards making things right. Her love is futile At least wanted to save The bond of friendship. But the hatred took over She was tossed over and over To the sideline of her efforts That got no meaning but to suffer Eyes never knew That every goodbye of him Became this hurtful Her heart sank in depth Of sadness Took months and years to recover. Those long gaps were the answer Why couldn't she see But to keep trying to hold on? Every time she thought That the barrier she broke May be a little to make a space So that the bond would be saved. Long gaps for a reason Nothing could be done As her futile efforts Also failed to stand over.
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