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King pov

I felt lily struggling in my arms so I set her down on the floor I watch her crawl into the living room but as soon as she did she feel to the floor with a loud thud .

"Lily"!!I said

I got up and ran towards her I gave damon to diamond

I felt her forehead she got a terrible fever .

"Diamond watch damon here and don't leave the house ."

"No were going with you" she said

I looked into her eyes she look like  she was about  to break any moment

"Okay " I said

We hoped in the car I have lily to diamond .

Lily breathing hard now .

In not  giving up on this little girl.

She's my baby girl and I will fight for her.

We got to the hospital we rush through the doors.

Diamond scream "Someone help my baby broke out with a fever and I don't know what to do ."

Docs came out of know where and took lily away they reassure that she'll be fine

We wait by her door .

Diamonds is crying and damon in fast asleep in my arms .

It's been hours since i saw my baby girl .

The doctor came out.

"I have good news and bad news"

"We'll take the bad new first " I said

"I see, well your daughter have broken out into a deadly fever and is fighting for her life "

Diamond cried harder .

"But the good news is that if she stay another night we can work a miracle"

"Miracle ?"

"Yes if we can find how this happened and cure her by tomorrow "

"ok please  save my little girl" I said

We left the hospital diamond fell asleep on the ride home .

I carried her and Damon upstairs and place them on the bed.

The thought of My baby girl who I just grown attached to leave me life is unthinkable.

I just shook my head of those thought and wrapped my arms around damon and damond.

Wishing lily can be in my arms again .


Yeah I know yall like y they ain't in school and y do the babies have their own pov well they had to finish their senior year but diamond and king had like a 1 week of school and now they basic adults now .

Anyways the babies have their own pov because i saw this story where this baby had its own pov so I was like hmm yeah I like that it's inspired me to do this .

Also find out what will happened and the same question i left own yall mines.


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