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The last bell rings, and I quickly gather my things, excitement bubbling up inside me. Today isn't just another day; it's the day of Darren's party. For weeks, I've been looking forward to this—a night to unwind, have fun, and just be in the moment.

I head to the cafeteria to meet Jenna and Mike. Jenna's scrolling on TikTok, while Mike's talking about tonights plan.

"Emma, you're coming, right?" Jenna asks, glancing up with a grin.

"Definitely," I reply. "I'm ready to have some fun."

Mike's face lights up. "It's going to be great. Darren's house is packed. I heard there's gonna be alcohol, and there might be other stuff too. It's going to be a wild night."

Jenna adds, "Yeah, and it's not just about the substances. There'll be music, dancing, and just a good time. I'm excited to let loose."

When school ends, I head home and get ready. I choose an outfit that makes me feel sexy. A short, red, glittery dress. I do my makeup, wanting to look good but not too overdone. I curl my boring pin-straight hair to actually put the outfit together.

Arriving at Darren's house, I'm immediately hit by the energy of the party. Music blasts from inside, and the front yard is filled with people drinking, talking, and hanging out. I take a deep breath and walk in, greeted by a wave of sound and the smell of weed.

The bass from the music pounded through the room, vibrating the walls and making my heart race. I stood by the bar in the basement, trying to keep my balance as my friends swirled around me. Red Solo cups were everywhere, and the air was thick with laughter and the funny smell of cheap alcohol.

"Come on, Emma, join us!" Darren shouted over the music, his words already a bit slurred. He waved a cup my way, and I took it with a laugh. The liquid sloshed over the rim, a mix of beer and something stronger. I took a long gulp, feeling the warmth spread through my chest.

Across the room, Jenna and Mike were in the middle of a wild dance-off, their movements increasingly chaotic as they tried to outdo each other. I watched them, my own steps starting to feel wobbly. The room seemed to tilt slightly with every movement, but I didn't care. The alcohol was already making reality feel fuzzy and distant.

"Hey, let's do a shot!" Jenna yelled, stumbling over to the bar. I followed, my feet dragging more than I intended. Jenna poured a few shots of clear liquid—vodka, I guessed—and handed one to me with a grin.

"To us," Jenna toasted, her words slurred. We clinked glasses, and I threw back the shot, wincing as the harsh liquid burned its way down my throat. My head spun, and I had to steady myself against the bar, the vodka was really good and I kept taking more and more shots losing track of how many I took.

Minutes later, I found myself in the middle of a group of friends, everyone laughing and shouting over each other. I was clutching Jenna's arm for support, but even that felt like it was slipping away. My vision was a blur of colors and shapes, and the music was just a constant thrum in my ears.

"Let's go outside!" Jenna suggested suddenly, her excitement contagious. I nodded, though I wasn't entirely sure where we were heading. We pushed our way through the crowd and stumbled out into the cool night air. I took a deep breath, trying to clear my foggy head. The crispness of the night felt oddly refreshing against my flushed skin.

We collapsed onto the grass, lying back and staring up at the stars. My giggles came in bursts, uncontrollable and loud, as Jenna and Mike started recounting ridiculous stories from the week. The world felt strangely distant, like it was moving in slow motion. I could hear my own voice echoing weirdly, and I wondered if the others felt the same.

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