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    I don't even remember how it began. Did I know what was happening? Of course I did. How couldn't I?


My first day of senior year is tomorrow. I haven't even thought about it until Mamma Margret drug me to Wal-Mart for my school essentials last week. I didn't want to think about it. I've already endured 11 years of school and sure it's my last but I still have 180 days with only 1 friend and no future plan.

 That's me, the only daughter of Margret Thatcher, wait I mean Mrs. Margret Frye. The famous nurse of Kirkland Washington. Everyone only knows her because she shot some big time doctor with an Epi Pen after he had an allergic reaction. Doesn't that make you chuckle a bit? An average nurse saves award winning doctor! But that's not even the funny part, my mom ended up marrying big time doctor. Evan Frye. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Frye and their illegitimate child Cara Thatcher from a dead beat dad.

I stroll my way to the kitchen, Evan tries to make small talk.

"Are you excited for school tomorrow?" He stares at the TV flipping through the channels.

I open the fridge door and shrug. "I guess"

My Step dad doesn't answer. I don't even think he was listening for a reply. He's such an asshole. What does my mother even see in him? I'm assuming it's the money. Evan is loaded. You can probably tell by the two sports cars he has in the garage. What's the point of having two anyway? You can only drive one at a time and that money could definitely go towards something more important.

Like food, we're out of everything good! Slamming the fridge door, I rush upstairs to my room. 9:13 pm. I still have an hour before I go to bed. Plumping my scrawny body on the fluffy black comforter I pull out my phone and plug in my earphones.

PVRIS comes on shuffle.


Morning seeps in through my not-so-sun-protecting curtains. School. As soon as I convince myself to roll out of bed and get ready I am on my way to my favorite place in the world....

I spot Hannah in my 1st hour and decide to sit by her. She is my only friend so who else would I sit by?

"Hey Han" I smile at her as the bell rings for class.

"Hi Cara" She smiles back then sits upright in her desk and faces forward. Hannah is kind of a goo-die too shoes. I don't think she's ever been in trouble by a teacher unless she was chewing her gum too loud. She tends to do that lately. It's a bit annoying after a while but you get used to it.

I've known Hannah since the end of 7th grade when they made us sit in 4 person table groups. Hannah and I were the only girls out of us 4 so I guess that's why we began talking. She's always been a great friend to me despite her tendency to be basic and push her way into the popular crowd. Hannah isn't at all like them like she wants to be. She's into video games and reading fan fiction but instead she hides that all away to get high, flirt with every breathing boy age 16-18, and chew gum loudly. She only does that to get attention.

The rest of my classes are just your average first day of school. After 4th period it's lunch time. I meet Hannah at our usual table. I shove a grape into my mouth as Hannah asks

"So how's Evan? Is he still being an asshole?"

"I wish you'd stop asking that. They've been married for 6 months now and he isn't gonna change" I roll my eyes.

She inserts another piece of spearmint gum into her mouth and begins chewing. "Sorry. Uh so any hot guys in your classes?"

"Not really. Well there actually is one in my 3rd hour. He's kinda tall, dark hair. Looks emo. Totally your type" I smirk at her as her eyes widen.

"What's you third hour?" She straightens up her back and leans in.

"Government. And before you ask, his name is Sam." She smiles at me and we both chuckle a bit. "What about you? Any hot guys?"

"Nope. But Vincent is in 3 of my classes already and it's just now lunch." She looks down at her food at distaste and slouches.

Vincent is Hannah's ex. He was always a douche to her, always standing her up and treated her like she was dumb. This may sound soulless of me but I was glad when she caught him cheating on her. Even if it was with some slutty blond girl. But she finally got the balls to dump him. It was the funniest break up I've ever seen. Just one simple text

If you want your sweatshirts back look for them in the garbage. :)

It was the rudest and funniest thing I've ever seen Hannah do. She did feel really bad after she sent it but come on, that jerk deserved it.

After lunch I head to 5th hour. English. I arrive a few minutes early and file my way through the students standing around in a circle chatting. Once I take a seat it only takes a minute or so for everyone else to follow. I scan my eyes across the room trying to see who I know when my eyes focus on a hot teacher entering the room. Damn, is he really our teacher? He only looks 24 at most. He makes his way to his desk and sets down his things. As soon as he turns around I notice how perfect this guys' body is. He has brown hair, glasses about 6' ft and even some muscle. I wouldn't say a ton, but it's there. He scribbles a name on the board and turns to face the class. "I'm Mr. Mason and I am your new English teacher."

My day just got a lot better. 

I honestly had a hard time focusing in 5th hour. I mean this guy is way too hot to be a teacher. I thought getting a hot guy teacher in high school was a myth. Something that only happened in Pretty Little Liars or other Drama TV shows, but no. There he was. Mr. Mason. 


2 classes later my first day of school was over. I headed straight home after school and saw my mom home as I passed the kitchen. 

"Mom you're home early." I state.

She takes out a skillet and looks up at me. "Oh yeah, wasn't feeling too good. a bit nauseous. Would you mind helping me with dinner?" 

I nod my head and take the skillet from her tiny hands.  


A/N: Sorry if this was a boring chapter! It was just to get the story going, it will pick up I promise. Also, the other chapter will be longer too. Feel free to vote if you liked it and give me feedback! Thank you if you read! :) 

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