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Morningstar! Guess I was wrong abt the side character thing, haha- I really like Morningstar and idk why

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Morningstar! Guess I was wrong abt the side character thing, haha- I really like Morningstar and idk why. anygays heres her backstory since this character ACTUALLY has one!

Morningstar! Well, Morningblaze. She's like the most basic warrior ever lmao. She grew up with three siblings, she's adopted(cough stolen from BranchClan) as well as one of her siblings, so two of her siblings are just like 2 moons older than her. No one really told her, but she figured it out yk? Like everyone treats her differently and crap. Morningblaze as a kit had a real big interest in being a medicine cat, but as she grows older she decides she'd rather be a warrior and serve her clan that way. She does still maintain the information she was given when she was younger, going back to the medicine den to learn more a couple of times in her free time, as she's very close with the medicine cat, Snowtuft. She's like a replacement medicine cat that can temporarily take over and treat mild injuries whenever Snowtuft goes out, but she doesn't really know everything. It turns out that she's got a pretty horrible sense of smell and sight, but she's never noticed it because she's used to it. In turn, she's got a better sense of hearing and uses that to her advantage. Her mother, Mossystripe, the current deputy, goes missing. After days of searching, the clan gave up. Morningblaze of course, kept looking. However, eventually she couldn't keep looking as she just started being in denial. Then in the next gathering, she was found with RootClan, having taken Brightbloom as her mate. Morningblaze was infuriated and started a fight with RootClan, as they were already enemy clans, until the gathering ended early. With the current deputy gone, she sought out to become the next deputy, however becoming more closed off and irritable. She did earn the position, showing the makings of an excellent warrior in the past. Her friend, Houndmask did attempt to cheer her up multiple times throughout this period of time. She mostly hung out with Snowtuft and Snowtuft's younger sibling, Badgerstripe. After a week or two she realized that she would never get to becoming more of a reliable deputy with her attitude, so she became more like herself. Eventually the current leader died, three of Doestar's deaths coming from a battle in the war against RootClan. Houndmask and Morningstar were mates for a short period of time, before they settled on being friends instead. Morningstar was carrying kits however, but Houndmask agreed to help her raise them, but still just being friends. Annddd I really need to add more to her backstory later but thats enough for rn haha.

BIG PARAGRAPH! :D Feel free to not read through anything lmao I jsut add those in for fun. Also might not make any sense bc thats not including all of the context of my world haha. ALSO, no that doesn't include any of her besties, Whiteheart or Ravenstream, or the fact that she met White as an apprentice or that she's related to one of em. Idk i got lazy.

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