chapter ten

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The warm waters of the bath rippled gently as Serena leaned back against Sam's chest, the weight of the day melting away. Steam rose from the pool, curling around them like soft whispers, and the scent of fragrant oils filled the air, creating a serene, dreamlike atmosphere.

Pentos had become their home—a place far removed from the dangers of Westeros, from the weight of the past, and from the shadows of revenge that once loomed so heavily over her. Here, she was Serena again. Not Gemma, not a servant or a fugitive, but a woman who had found something close to happiness.

Sam chuckled softly, his chest vibrating against her back. "Remember the first time we came here?" he asked, his voice warm with nostalgia. "You didn't trust the bathhouses. You thought they were too extravagant."

Serena grinned, tilting her head up to look at him. "I still think they are," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "But I suppose I've gotten used to a bit of luxury."

He laughed, a deep, carefree sound that made her smile even wider. "A bit?" He raised an eyebrow, teasing her gently as his hand skimmed the surface of the water. "You've become quite fond of the finer things, my lady."

"My lady," she echoed, with a playful roll of her eyes. "I'm no lady, Sam. Not anymore."

His hand stilled, and for a moment, the playful air between them shifted into something more intimate, more sincere. Sam's arms tightened around her, pulling her closer against him. "You'll always be a lady to me," he murmured softly, his lips brushing against her temple.

Serena's heart fluttered at his words, and she felt a familiar warmth spread through her—not from the water, but from the way he made her feel. Safe. Cherished. Loved.

She turned in his arms, so that she was facing him now, her hands resting on his chest. "I never thought I'd have this," she admitted, her voice quiet. "With everything that happened... with everything I lost... I never thought I'd find something like this."

Sam's eyes softened, his hand coming up to gently brush a stray lock of wet hair from her face. "Neither did I," he said, his voice low. "But we found each other, Serena. That's what matters."

Her heart swelled at the sound of her true name on his lips. After everything they had been through—after running from her past, hiding from who she truly was—here, with Sam, she felt like herself again. She wasn't just surviving anymore. She was living.

They had been in Pentos for over a year now, and in that time, they had built a life together. A quiet, peaceful life, far removed from the chaos and bloodshed that had defined so much of her past. Sam had found work as a sellsword, and Serena had taken up small tasks, keeping to herself and avoiding the attention of those who might know of her origins.

The city was beautiful, with its grand Sunrise Gate and beautiful estates. But what made it feel like home wasn't the towering temples or the bustling markets—it was Sam. It was the life they had created together, the quiet moments like this where it was just the two of them, with no past to haunt them and no future to fear.

"I think we've done alright," she said softly, her fingers tracing small circles on his chest. "Considering where we started."

Sam smiled, a soft, lazy smile that made her heart skip a beat. "I'd say we've done more than alright," he replied, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her lips.

Serena melted into the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck as she pulled him closer. The warmth of the water surrounded them, but it was nothing compared to the heat between them, the quiet passion that had only grown stronger with time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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