Sparks of Jealousy 🔞

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Lingling Kwong had always been the center of attention, her charisma lighting up the room sharper than any spotlight. An actress with a rising star, she had just landed a role alongside the charming and talented Win, a well-known figure in the industry. But as the filming progressed, Lingling sensed an unexpected tension brewing between her and her girlfriend, Orm Kornnaphat.

Orm was usually the dominant partner in their relationship. With her dark hair falling in waves and her piercing eyes that could capture anyone's gaze, she radiated a magnetic confidence. But lately, that confidence had been tested.

"Ling!" Orm exclaimed one evening, leaning against the doorframe of their shared apartment, her arms crossed over her chest, a fierce look in her eyes. "Are you just going to ignore the way Win looks at you?"

Lingling raised an eyebrow, tilting her head slightly. "What do you mean? We're just acting, Orm. It's part of the job!" She wasn't looking to dismiss Orm's feelings, but she believed that trust was necessary in their relationship, especially in the world they navigated.

"It's not just acting, and you know it!" Orm snapped, her tone sharp and electric. "I don't want you falling for someone just because he can read lines in front of a camera!"

Lingling took a deep breath, knowing that the jealousy simmering in Orm was real. She approached her girlfriend, taking her hands in hers. "You have nothing to worry about. My heart belongs to you, only you. Win is just a co-actor. We're just... acting."

Orm's jaw clenched for a moment, and although she could see the sincerity in Lingling's eyes, it didn't fully quell her feelings. Instead, it sparked something within her—a need to reclaim their dynamic. "Is that so? Show me how much I mean to you."

"Orm..." Lingling began, but her words faltered as Orm pulled her closer, their bodies mere inches apart.

"What if I made you feel what it's like to really belong to me?" Orm's voice dripped with playful seduction yet held a threatening undertone that made Lingling's heart race.

Lingling's breath hitched. "You know I'm already yours."

Without warning, Orm pushed Lingling down onto their bed, her hands pinning Lingling's wrists above her head, a wicked smile teasing the corners of her mouth. "Then let's see if I can remind you."

As the atmosphere charged with anticipation, Lingling felt a mixture of exhilaration and anxiety. This was new territory—Orm dominating her in a way that felt different than before, fueled by something deeper. She could see the spark of jealousy burning in Orm's eyes, igniting the fire between them.

"Stay still, don't move," Orm commanded, her voice steady yet sultry. The authoritative tone both titillated and intimidated Lingling. A thrill ran down her spine as Orm leaned closer, her breath ghosting over Lingling's skin.

Orm traced her fingers down Lingling's side, exploring every curve with a possessiveness that thrilled Lingling. "You're mine, remember that, okay?" she whispered, her mouth hovering just inches from Lingling's lips.

"Yes," Lingling breathed, the weight of Orm's gaze holding her captive. "I'm yours."

But Orm wasn't satisfied—she needed to assert her dominance fully. "Then I want you to beg for me," she said, her voice a low growl that sent shivers down Lingling's spine.

The request was both daring and exhilarating. Lingling felt the heat rising in her cheeks as she realized the power of submission she was about to embrace. "Please, Orm..." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want you."

"Louder," Orm demanded.

"Please, Orm," Lingling repeated, her voice strong now. "Please, I need you."

Satisfaction radiated from Orm as she finally released Lingling's wrists, only to kneel at the edge of the bed. She looked at Lingling with an intensity that left her breathless. "You're going to show me how much you want me," Orm instructed, her own excitement reflected in her eyes.

Lingling sat up, that playful glint igniting her passion. "I'll show you," she teased, edging closer. But before she could take another step, Orm grabbed her by the waist, pulling her back down onto the mattress.

"I said to stay still!" Orm's voice was strict, but the smile tugging at her lips gave away her amusement. She hadn't lost her playful nature; this was simply a different side of their chemistry—they were exploring the depths of trust and vulnerability.

The dynamic shifted rapidly as Orm began to kiss Lingling, slow and tantalizing, savoring every moment. She trailed her hands across Lingling's body, igniting a fire where her fingers danced. Each kiss deepened, each touch demanded value in the tension they held.

"Tell me what you want," Orm murmured against Lingling's skin, her lips trailing from neck to jawline.

"I want you to make me yours," Lingling confessed, each word escaping her lips in a breathy gasp, leaving her exposed.

Orm's smirk widened, and she clearly relished in the power she wielded. "Good. Just remember, if you're going to tease me, I have the upper hand. And I don't intend to let you forget it."

With that, Lingling lost herself in their electric exchange, the heat between them escalating, fueled by the jealousy that had sparked this moment. Orm's gentle dominance gave Lingling the freedom to surrender fully, embracing every second of their desires colliding.

As the world outside faded away, it was just the two of them—their love transforming, growing, and deepening with each moment spent together. Lingling learned to trust Orm with her heart, even as Orm reminded her, time and again, that she would always be the one in command.

In the end, it wasn't about jealousy or fear but about the intoxicating blend of passion and affection that turned their hearts into an inseparable force, conquering shadows and illuminating the vibrant love they shared. In this delightful dance of dominance and submission, they found a balance that made their love stronger than ever before. And while the world outside buzzed with glamour and jealousy, inside their quiet sanctuary, they knew they had forged their own path—one of understanding, love, and unyielding connection.

A/N: haha i know orm hates ormling but yeah let's just give it a try 😆 anyway, please vote and comment your thoughts! you can also request some prompts!

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