Camilla and Tillie Try Shoplifting Short Story 1

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"Cammie! Cammie!" I looked up from the dress I was hemming to see Tillie's head poking through the doorway. All the other girls in the room turned to stare at Tillie, though she didn't seem to mind their whispers they make me blush. I clumsily put down my project, rushing to the door, sealing it, and the whispers behind me.

"Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"Cammie! You won't believe it! I've got the best idea" She squealed, completely ignoring my question. She pulled a pink piece of paper out of her apron, shoving it into my face.

"What is-"

"AN INVITATION TO THE MARQUIS BALL!" I looked around panicked, expecting everyone to be staring at us, but instead, they just continued with their work. They were used to Tillie by now. "I found it in the mail room!"

"I don't think this is a good idea."

"I know you are sullen because your lady ran away but-"

"I'm not sullen, I'm worried, and you should be too."

"Yes, terrified. Regardless, an invitation to the ball!" She practically sings the last part. It didn't matter what I said, Tilly wasn't listening.

"Fine," I sigh, "What is your plan?"

"All you need to know right now is you need to be outside Lady Emilee's room at the top of the hour, with a laundry bag."

I nodded reluctantly, and Tillie raced off down the hallway, a huge smile on her face. Ow! I looked down at my finger to find I had cut myself. I hadn't even noticed I was picking at my nails.

I was leaning on the window waiting for Tillie when I heard them. A couple of the younger girls coming down the hall, their hushed gossip traveled quicker than them.

"I heard she was murdered"

"No! My aunt Deliah's friend saw her! She is in the cells under the palace."

"Don't listen to her she thinks she had tried to kill the prince!"

"Of course, I don't believe her, I know Stephen, and Stephen knows all the Prince's secrets."

That's when they saw me.

"Camilla!" Nathalie jumped at the sight of me, next to her Suzanna and Thea both struggled to hold down a laugh. I felt my face flush but I held my head up straight, trying to look brave.

"Nathalie," I didn't want to say much, I didn't want them to hear my voice shake. The girls giggled and walked past me quickly, but I could still hear them whisper as they went by,

"She must know. How couldn't she? She is her lady's maid."

It wasn't much longer until Tillie arrived, a key in hand, giggling. The plan was simple enough Tillie would smuggle one of Emilee's dresses out under the excuse of washing her curtains. Then once Tillie was done with the dress we'd slip it in while putting back up the curtains.

"So then what do you need me for?"

"To stand guard," Tillie said, shutting the door behind her. Great. Now if her plan gets found out I'll be the first to get caught. I leaned my head against the door listening to Tillie, begging her to just grab the first dress she sees and get out of there.

"Camilla," I startled back to life, I had been so focused on Tillie that I hadn't even noticed Nathalie had come back down the hall. "What are you still doing here?"

This isn't good. I hit my heel into the door, trying to make it look like an accident as I stood up straight. Hopefully, Tillie could hear it. Nathalie just stared at me, still waiting for a response. She was the biggest gossip at the manor, next to Tillie, if she figured out what was going on I could get fired.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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