Just some thoughts

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There’s something about him that makes me want to stay in his arms forever. He’s everything I ever asked for and I thank you for that. Maybe he’s not perfect to you, but to me he couldn’t be more of the definition of perfection. Well, sure maybe no one is perfect, but maybe he’s perfect for me, perfect for right now. That is all that should matter and that is all I care about. Relationship should be holding hands, saying compliments because they are true, understanding that you might be wrong but not caring, knowing that the person next to you is someone that loves you even if they don’t say it all the time. It is like the happiest things you can think of in life all in one person. You would do anything for this person and they would do anything for you, but knowing what the limits are. A relationship, is knowing that nothing can last forever but you want it only to end if the other dies, not that you would ever want them to die. It’s being silly, fun, happy, sad, angry, and accepting. When you know that the other person is thinking about you even when you are away or talking with another friend. That feeling you get when you’re with them is only described in movies and fairytales but you finally realize that it’s true. The most important thing is that you are happy and that person makes you happy and nothing else in the world matters. 

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