chapter 8 🚨

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Disturbing scenes skip if you are triggered.

Namjoon's pov:

I woke up in strangers bedroom moreover I was stark naked chill went through my spine I held comforter around my body. I tried to look for anything to wear. But this room was not mine I tried to call anyone for help, an old maid came bowing to me.

"Yes, our queen" Namjoon looked dumbfounded but it was not time maybe she is old that's why she is calling him that.

"My, my clothes I must have forgot them in sculpture room, can you please get them for me?" I requested she just looked at her feet I was waiting for answer.

"My queen they were burnt" she replied "what? How?" I asked what am I going to wear now?.
"By mafia god, my queen he said you won't be needing them anymore" she told him I differently. Now Namjoon was loosing his shit.

Third person pov;
"How can he do this? And who is this mafia god? Well I don't care I just want something to wear please" he requested again.
"We are ordered that you are not allowed to wear anything" she told him.
Namjoon was infuriated now, he barged in closet and took anything he could to wear.

He left room, all servants were following him he was looking for exit the castle was like maze, corridors and turns, twists and gardens. "Our queen please eat something and I beg you don't think about leaving, and please also take your clothes off as well" Namjoon only glared.

"Yeah, and why not, you know what? Tell your so called god that shove his money in his ass, I am leaving and no one will stop me" he turned to giant door he came in. He doesn't care about money now he just want to leave this mental asylum. He left hurriedly but he was stopped at main gate "queen you are not allowed to set foot out of estate" guards told him.

"No one can stop me I am not slave, plus try me" he yelled he opened gates and left to his surprise and relief no one dared to stop him. He had no money, nor his phone he walked to his home. His mother was waiting at door for him "where were you? Namjoon I thought I lost you too" she cried in his arms he hugged his mother.

When his father came in barging "you, bitch  give me rent if this month and leave this house I sold it" he yelled at them. Namjoon stood in front of his father to protect his mother. "What kind of father you are? It was not enough for you to ask rent from us, you almost sold me to that casino owner, you promised Taehyung to entertain your pervert friends and now you are also snatching roof from our heads, ate you even human?" And slapped he was on floor.

"You good for nothing, your mother should have born daughter Rather than ugly faggots like you, at least she could have paid me better" he kicked his thigh Namjoon shrieked in pain.

"I thank God for that, that he didn't give us sister you don't deserve it" he cried in pain. His mother was shrieked in corner in fear Namjoon knew she was going in headspace where she shuts down everything.

He still remember the day when she was pregnant with their sister it was her seventh month and their father came home drunk he tried to pick sleeping Namjoon as he has sold him to casino owner. His mother tried to stop him when he pushed her she threw pan at him. His head was bleeding she hid children behind cupboard their father was rabid dog. He pulled her hair and stamped it on kitchen counter, the corner of counter hit on her baby bump their mother screamed in pain.

But he didn't stop, he kicked her direct in her stomach "you bitch how dare you hit me?" He yelled at unresponsive woman blood flowed from her uterus their sister died in womb. Their father ran away for two years until he came again.

From that day their mother had developed fear the trauma never left her. Namjoon dragged himself to her "mom please look at me, please pay attention to my voice you are safe please look at me" he begged.

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