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Jungkook was staring at his marvel the beauty that hold his life

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Jungkook was staring at his marvel the beauty that hold his life.

Seventeen years ago he imagined his companion to play with he was lone child, even though his mother brought a hyung for him. Min Yoongi was son of Min Ash his mother's wife.

I accepted hyung as my own brother because he accepted my love, we named him cutie when we were little. Later I named him "love" because he is my love my everything. I know I lost myself when I am with him it's because he only comes when I am alone I want him in physical form. I am tired of chasing air I decided to take over industrial group as mom told me because I lose control when I see blood.

"Jungkook for filthy work you have your mother, and underdogs you and Yoongi should take over civilized world okay baby" mom told me I nodded.

I hung my head down when I heard someone coming to me I was in trance "why are you here?" I asked he nodded "mom can you see him?" I asked mom she nodded "of course dear I brought him here you know how difficult it was to find him" she told me I hugged him I sniffed him. But I can't feel anything I gripped his neck I bit it he hissed in pain I slapped his million won plastic face.

"He is not him mom!" I was infuriated "baby please try to calm down, just relax it is him try to relax with him we will find him trust mom" she told me I looked at him from head to toe he is not him I can see, he smells different than what I imagined, he don't have dimples his neck is too long, his face is too small, his thighs were not thick enough. "What is your name?" I demanded he was clearly pissing in his pants "Sineo" he blurted I smirked "I don't like your name it doesn't taste good on my tongue, you are so weak, so pathetic you are look alike but not him" I spit his face in disgust he looked like rotten meat.

"How much?" I asked him "what...what?" He questioned back I slapped him with back of hand his jaws dislocated in sudden. I huffed "all plastic".

"I know my mother has paid handsome amount to you, and I like to retrieve my each and every penny, understood" I told him gripping his dislocated jaw his lip fillers look so fake, "you can never ever even come near to my love, his beauty is timeless, I'll give you a new face today hmmm?" I told him.

I have many things for him in my mind I dragged him to my favorite room I named it "dungeons and dragons" ironic right?.

Room has my favorite toys, I opened his mouth he can't open it more let's try to fit something in mouth I opened my jeans I took my member and inserted his mouth I could hear his mantle dislocation. He cried, trying to take me out "why? You specially gone throw a lot of transformation just to serve me right?" I held his jaws in position and started thrusting in and out. His lower jaw was hanging now it took all pleasure away. He was crying mess "please help me, someone help me" he shouted his voice sound so thin it made me laugh.

"Help me, help me please" I mocked him I love doing that. I ripped his clothes off and there he had thin waisy, straight ironed chest, visible ribs and tiny buttock. I scrunched my nose in disgust I clicked my tongue in annoyance at least I thought it will be a good fuck but look at here, what a disappointment.

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