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Aria pov
The day came before I could even realize it and I was on my nonstop flight from BC to LA I sent Grant a text when I boarded my plane so he could see it and know that my flight wasn't delayed or canceled he responded while I was in the Air because I didn't get that text until I landed  on the LAX tarmac.
Aria at 10:45:just landed!
I hoped out of my seat to stretch my legs.though I could comfortably stand straight up under the overhead bins.i got stiff after sitting for prolonged time. I pulled my carry on and only bag down from the compartment and headed for the jet bridge to take me to the airport,the city and Grant.i followed the signs and took the escalator down and looked around at the people on the bottom. There I saw him  dressed casual in a black sweatshirt visible under a jean jacket , black converse and dark jeans I smile at him and give him a wave walking over to him
His arms engulfing me and I hold him tight not wanting to let him go.he held me tighter like he needed to never let go.we are wrapped together as his arms wrap around my waist my arms go around his neck where my face goes as well
Inhaling his scent  going into sensory overload just trying to take in all the Grant things I missed with just one text and FaceTime
"Hi"he greets exhaling with nervousness apparent in his voice
"Hi" I smile up at him softly we look into each others eyes for  probably no more than five seconds but it feels like forever.i use the time to memorize every fleck of gold in his eyes
"Umm we should probably get going"I suggest
"Yeah no doubt we probably should"Grant agrees as we each return our arms to our sides
Once we are inside the car it seems like all the awkwardness we have just exploded all over the backseat of the rambling about my flight how I feel about grants week was with his family
We stop at my apartment so I can drop my thing off since he has plans for us so we can spend the day together
I drop the things off and we head to the ice rink before dinner  it's empty with it being so close after thanksgiving but it was a nice feel being the only two people in the rink.
"Do you know how to skate"I ask Grant as he grips the padded railing lining the rink
"No,yeah I sorta do it's been a while I just have to remember and find my balance"
"Come here"I balance next to him "hold on" he grabs one of my forearms but continues grilling the railing "hold onto me"
Grant shakes a little as he bring his hand to wrap around my arm "look at me - - - in the eyes focus on me,now breath"I instruct him and he listens granted he stops shaking and is a little calmer but we haven't even moved yet
I take one of his hands and gently pull him so he can slide across the ice grant steadily gets used to it and I switch to his side holding his hand still the whole thing is surprisingly easy and this is how I want to stay a mess of limbs feeing like I'm floating on a cloud.
But he's Grant Gustin an actor and I am me a general manager for the La clippers with no clue of what the future holds so who am I kidding even if I did  have a fool proof plan  with everything planned out who am I kidding
I take the thoughts out of my head because I get  to at least have a day with Grant and enjoy it something about him makes me gravitate towards him and I love it and don't want to fight it even though everything tells me not to I wanna take my things and run and just never look back.
We make our way to the restaurant
"It's strange hearing your voice and seeing your face in person"I start
"Why"Grant asks leaning over the table and shoving a French fry in his mouth
"Because I forget your a real person and not a pen pal"this makes him chuckle
"Pen pal we need to get you out of the house more if you're relying on snail mail and strangers across the world for companionship"
I laugh "you know what I mean I still have a fear I'm being catfished and you're not really talking to me"
"Because we don't see eachother that much because you are who you are and I am who I am" I nod quietly and just take a sip of my drink.i imagined Grant as a normal guy things weren't so scary and my insecurities didn't run rampant
Now that he's sitting across from me it's nerve wracking
"Hey it's fine"Grant starts " we're fine whatever the problem is we will figure it out together because that's what we do and everything will be fine I promise"he leans over rubbing the back of my hand  "we will be fine"he affirms
I give a weak smile Grant seems content with our friendship and where things are between us maybe I should be to

Wonderwall-Grant gustinWhere stories live. Discover now