Jeff couldn't stop thinking about the party, about the guy. He was so mad and annoyed. He didn't know much about the party like what the theme was, what it was for, where it was. He groaned as he grabbed his phone and called Ben he was tired of overthinking, act now think later. After a few rings Ben picked up, there was edgy music playing in the back and Jeff was confused.
"Where are you?" "At HoMe WhY?" "I hear music playing that's why, anyway I need you to do me a favor?" "WhAt" "can you hack into yang's phone and find messages about a party? Specifically messages with a guy, he invited Yang to a party this weekend and I don't like how he was talking to her so I wanna go and ruin his party by killing him" Ben blinked as he went silent a little confused. "HoW wAs He TaLkInG tO hEr?" "All flirty like and complimenting her and he had the audacity to kiss her hand like she was some damn princess like what the fuck is his problem doesn't he know someone is talking to her" "yOuR nOt TaLkInG, yOuR sTaLkInG hEr" "same difference just find out the information like what it's for, where it is and the theme I have to blend in"
Ben rolled his eyes and sighed, his friend was a simp and he wasn't admiring for the life of him, but his actions proved more than words anyway. He paused his game and pushed himself in the rolling chair sending himself to the other side of the room where his monitors where, he had tons of monitors half for gaming and the other half for what he was best known for, stalking, hacking, tracking, locating you name it he did it. He was the tech head of the group and the brains of all the operations since he had eyes everywhere, he hacked in to every security camera in any and all homes and stores and outside corners to help his buddies when they where in need.
Tracking them and any possible threats and any exits and escape routes was his job, it was the most important job because thanks to him non of them have gotten caught and they never will with his help. Sometimes he has to use his amazing skills for pettiness such as Jeff's constant requests to stalk Yang and keep him updated since Nina refuses to help him. If it wasn't for their close brotherly friendship he wouldn't do it otherwise atleast not without pay first.
After a few clicks of his keyboard and an almost deafening silence Ben managed to get into yang's phone. "Im In" "well?" "It SeEmS sHeS tExTiNg HiM nOw, AbOuT iT" "their texting? That fool, I'm gonna kill him when I get the chance and it will be painfully slow" "lOoKs LiKe A rIcH pErSoN pArTy. iF yOu WaNt In YoU hAvE tO bE iNvItEd, By YaNg" Jeff went silent knowing Ben would only say that if he knew hacking the cameras wouldn't be enough to make sure Jeff got in and out undetected. It was silent for a while Ben knew why. He knew his friend didn't wanna ask yang but he had no choice but going to the party as an invite to a rich party meant one thing.
Jeff would be seen as yang's partner, this was good cause maybe the guy would back off if he assumed Yang was taken but bad because Jeff wasn't read for that title, whether it was pretend or not. Ben broke the silence.
"LoOk DuDe, YoU dOnT hAvE tO gO. jUsT LeAvE tHeM bE." "And let that guy make a move on Yang? If he truly knows Yang like I fear he might know she's single and try to make a move. I saw the look in his eyes when he flirted with Yang right in front of me, this is more then just an invite Ben he plans on asking her out, he's hoping she comes alone to further prove his suspicions of her being a single women, looking for her knight and shining armor to take her away like a princess in a fairy tale and marry her"
"sO?" "SO?!" "aRe YoU gOnNa LeT hIm? Or ArE yOu GoNnA bE tHe ReBeL eNeMy ThAt TaKeS hEr AwAy?" Jeff thought for a moment and realized Ben is right, he had a choice to make leave Yang behind and let her date this guy or finally take what he claims is his. "I fucking hate thing" "aCt NoW tHiNk LaTeR" Jeff smirked knowing he was right he's not gonna regret killing the bastard killing is what he does but he will regret letting him live to take Yang away. "Fine you win, send me the information, I'll talk to Yang" "I kNeW yOu WeRe A sImP" "it's not about that now shut up" Ben laughed as they both hung up, Jeff went to yang's contacts and sighed feelings hesitant.
Devils Angel
FanficJeff had always been alone when it came to survival, sometimes his buddies, EJ, Ben and Toby would help him out and in return he helps them. But even with people like him around to help him out he still feels alone, until one night when it starts to...