3 months

614 15 5

Nishio P.O.V

It's been three months since that fateful night, three months since Ayumi hasn't woken, three months papa has been to himself.

Papa told us not to go into Ayumi's room but mother lets us when he isn't around, Roku spends the longest in there, one time when I went to go give Ayumi some water hoping she would wake up, Roku had given Ayumi a gently kiss on the lips to show his lover for her.

Mother was quietly watching behind me with tears in her eyes, she once told me if Roku could he would be at her side at all times.

"Mother she will wake up right" I asked hanging clothes with her, "Of course dear, you just have to put trust in your big sister"

Papa had came home, mama stopped hanging clothes smiling sadly, "Nishio, can you finish for me dear?" I nodded "Of course mother" she grabbed papa's hand leading him into the forest. He went out often with mother, I always thought that he blames himself for what happened to big sister, and he didn't like showing his face at the house.

Another thought is mothers calms him down before he comes home, she soothes his soul.

I finished hanging the clothes, grabbing some fresh water and walking back into the house. "Is that for Ayumi?" Uncle Shippo asked "Yes, mother told me to believe she will wake up, so I believe" he smiled "That stupid dog, always worried about his damn pride, thinking his own family blames him for what happened" I shrugged "Papa and Ayumi are alike in many ways, of course I follow more under mama, but Ayumi is the strong one"

Shippo shook his head "You guys are all strong, you can't see it yet" I looked at uncle Shippo, he was looking out by the door probably waiting for papa so I was free to stare "Why do you say that uncle?" He shrugged "Because I lost my family long ago" he said sadly.

"All because of the jewel I was stuck with that stupid Inuyasha and the caring Kagome, soon after meeting Miroku and Sango" he smiled "Then I met a new family, many hardships came about, but we stayed strong for each other" he sighed "Stupid Inuyasha took forever to realize he had strength following him all along"

I smiled sadly "are you saying our family is our strength?" I asked, he nodded slowly "Kagome is right, believe Ayumi will awake in due time she will" I nodded going to Ayumi's room, though shippos never says it, I think he cares for papa even though they act like brothers who always argue at each other.

When I walked into her room, I saw her quietly still, no movement that's happened for over three months. Her wounds had healed from her demons powers but the one on her stomach had taken some time, also leaving a deep scar behind to remind us that dreadful night.

Roku was by her side, his back facing me he was watching her closely, he's also been very quiet since that night papa exploded on him.

I sat next to him "You miss her?" I asked, he nodded slowly, I smiled to myself "Even though she always picked fights with you and she's the quiet type?" He nodded again "You have weird taste" he nodded once more.

I sighed, every time I sit with him, I always try to make him talk but it never works he just nods and stares.

When I wasn't paying attention I heard slight movement that could not be heard with human ears so I jerked my head to look at Ayumi's face.

"Ayumi" I whispered, Roku looked at me questionably, then I heard it again her fingers were moving. "She's moving Roku" I said, his eyes widen looking back at her "Come on Ayumi" I said.

Ayumi P.O.V

I was a little girl sitting in the dark, watching Papa and mamas life flash before my eyes, I'm not sure how long I've been sitting her or what's going in the outside world, but just watching this interest me.

As Papa found mother in the darkness using meido zangetsuha to get to her, as they laid eyes upon each other they embraced, then they kissed, it wasn't rough and hungry, but sweet and passionate.

I touched my own lips with my fingers thinking about Roku, leading to my family, oh how I missed them. I wanted to hear Shippo and papa argue, I wanted to her my little brother play in the yard with Su and Ku, I wanted to talk to Rin again hearing about Uncle Sesshomaru.

I stood up in the darkness growing to my original size "I need to get out of this place" I said running in some random direction.

I continued to run in the darkness hoping to find something or someone, till I heard Nishio "Ayumi" I heard him question "Nishio!" I yelled out looking around frantically, "She's moving Roku" I heard him say "Roku!" So he's there too "come on Ayumi" Nishio said with eagerness behind it. "I want to Nishio! But how?!" I squatted clutching my head "How? It's only darkness" I cried "Ayumi, we need you to come back" Roku said.

"I don't know how!" I screamed out, "I want to go home!" I yelled tears streaming down my face. I felt a warm glow upon my body, I looked up to see a woman standing in front of me.

"Kikyo" I whispered, she stared down at me. "I expected more from Kagome's and Inuyasha's daughter" she said bitterly, I stood up wiping my tears away.

"What do you expect when I can't even go home!" I yelled at her, "You can't go home because you're scared" she said simply "Stop being scared" she demanded "You can't just stop being scared!! It's apart of you! It's something you need to survive"

"Ayumi! Please wake up" I head Nishio "Come on please" I heard Roku beg,
Kikyo pointed up, "That's a family that needs you, are you just going to let them down because of fear?" She questioned harshly.

"I cannot let go of my fear, because fear is what makes a person stronger! Fear is what drives you!" I yelled, she smiled slightly "So you'll stick with fear for the rest-" "yes" I stated, a light started to form behind her, showing Roku and Nishio looking upon me worriedly.

"Inuyasha and Kagome had done good" after saying that she vanished into the darkness "was she really there" I looked around "Or was that just hallucinating" I didn't care, I charged forward to the image of Roku and my brother.

I ran into it, the light blinding me, I covered my eyes with my arms trying to block it.
"Ayumi!" I heard Nishio say happily.

I uncovered my eyes seeing my brothers energetic face "N-N-Nishio" I sobbed "Nishio!" I hugged him tightly "My little brother" I whispered.

"Ayumi!" I heard him cry "You're awake! You're awake!" I nodded looking over to Roku who looked so pleased seeing me moving, speaking, and alive.

"I'm awake" I said smiling at Roku.

So I chose three months because that's how long it took me to finish the anime hahahahaha I was a dork and didn't know there was such a thing as dubbed, so I watched it all in sub then found out there was dubbed I'm like OMYGOSH YES!! Then watched it all in dubbed so that took little over three months haha hoped you enjoyed Ayumi's waking next chapter my pineapples is the last~

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