Mary's Birthday

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What if Mary woke up one night, on her birthday and remembered everything, randomly?

Mary wakes up in a hot sweat from her dream, her horrible disturbing dream. She looks over to the man beside her. "Fuck." She whispers into the quiet room. She gets up going to the bathroom. She stops at the bedroom that's opened just a smidge. Two beds are there, one on either side of the room, both sides decorated to resemble the kids who live there. She looks at the door, one side says, Lilo and the other Lena.

She opens the door a little more to see the two beautiful children sleeping in their beds, peaceful. She sighs and continues walking to the bathroom. She looks at the wall where there's a bunch of photos decorating the walls. She looks at the one with her and two other girls, one red-head and the other blonde. She knows them, she just saw them a week ago, but they aren't the faces she expected them to be.

She rushes to the closet in the hallway, pulling out a box filled with photographs. She put them in a box, knowing they were important but no idea why, until now. She picks the first one up and smiles. The faces she was looking for. Marlene and Lily. She picks up another one. Four boys. Peter, James, Sirius, and Remus. The last two kissing while the first takes the photo and the second smiling at his friends.

She puts that one beside her next to the other one and pulls out a lot more, most of them with her and those four boys and two girls, but some of them included others. The faces she's missed the most. The last one she comes across, though, is her Emmeline, and a baby. Their baby, Penelope.

She intakes a breath and shoves the photographs back in the box, standing up quickly with them and rushing back to her room and to her closet. She grabs at random, not even caring if they match and throwing them on. She grabs her phone from her nightstand, leaving a note for Darren, her husband, and waking up the two girls in the nearby bedroom.

She ignores their questions of, 'What's going on?', 'Mom?', and so on. Instead she dresses the twins and puts them in the car, along with the box and a bag of both hers and her kids's clothes. She gets in also and starts driving to god knows where. The sun starts peeking up at the horizon, Mary going towards it to reach a hill, one she hasn't been to in years, but still managed to stay close.

She looked back at the kids at one point, both asleep and smiled. They looked like a carbon copy of her. Emmeline would find that funny. She thinks. Penelope had always looked like Emmeline most, but her attitude was all Mary.

She climbs the hill, hoping the car doesn't roll back, luckily, it doesn't and she makes it. She parks the car, making sure it's away from the whomping willow, and gets out, unbuckling her kids and helping them out. She grabs their hands after locking the car, and starts walking to the entrance. She immediately walks to Gryffindor tower, and says the password, of course it's not the right one. "Fat Lady, tell me the password."

"I most certainly will not."

"It's me. Mary."

"Mary who?"

"Macdonald." The Fat Lady gasps immediately opening up for her. She walks in, going straight for the girls dormitory. She has no idea why, she knows her friends aren't there, but she still does. She gasps at the red-headed curls in Lily's bed. "Lily?" She asks quietly. The girl stirs and almost screams when she sees her before Mary clamps a hand against her mouth. "Shh. Don't wake the others." The girl's eyes go wide. "I'm not trying to hurt you, I promise. Just come with me." The girl eyes her suspiciously before nodding.

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