1 • Blue Danube

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Autumn always hated her family. She grew up in a household where she felt unloved. The only solace she had was her brother whenever her father wasn't keeping her from him and the gatherings her father hosted. On the evenings when the Knight Family Estate was filled with company and classical music, she felt safe. They were some of her only good childhood memories.

That is why, even 18 years after leaving that house of nightmares, she always attends every event at her family home. Tonight was no different.

Autumn stared in the mirror of her vanity as she applied the finishing touches to her makeup. "I don't see the point in putting on eye makeup when I have to put this stupid thing on." She whispered to herself, the same line she said year after year and yet she continued to do the same thing again. She closed her eyes and slid on her mask, securing it in a bow at the back of her head. She took one last swig of her wine before zipping up her boots and heading out to her taxi.

The drive to her father's was short, only around 15 minutes, but every time she drove it, it felt like it got longer and longer. She stared at the sunset as the car sped down winding roads. Autumn attempted to take a deep breath but it caught in her throat as she realised that they had arrived. The car pulled up to a large metal gate and Autumn hopped out to put in a code. As she approached the Manor she felt something new. Every single year, these events felt the same but this time? She felt something other than dread, something she couldn't recognise.

"Mutton chops, you're late." And in an instant, the feeling of dread returned. She hurried up the steps to meet her father and his current young girlfriend, Siobhan. "Hello father. I was packing up my desk to start at the nursery next week, I told you I couldn't make it here till 7 so in all actuality, I'm early." Autumn slipped past her father to avoid further conversation. Hopefully this party has a fully stocked open bar because I'm about to DRAIN IT! She walked into the ballroom to see people dancing in the centre and some others talking towards the sidelines. She scanned the room for a bar. Bingo.

Autumn perched herself on a barstool and beckoned the bartender. "Sauvignon Blanc. No, not a glass. Just leave the bottle and a straw. Thank you." She reached to pull her phone out of her purse only to be interrupted. "Damn I thought I was drinking a lot tonight. You good?" Autumn turned her head to see a gorgeous woman in a pink and white gown. "I am fine. I just hate these events." She said, swirling a plastic straw in her bottle of wine. The mysterious woman lifted her gin and tonic to her lips before speaking again. "To be honest so do I but my boss invited me. I had pretty much no choice." She tapped her nails against her glass and placed it down on the bar top. "Well I'm not going to sit here being bored. Dance with me?" The woman asked, smiling and reaching out a hand. Autumn thought for a moment. She hates dancing really has nothing better to do tonight... At least she'd be spending the evening in the company of a beautiful woman. "You know what? Sure. I don't see why not." She replied, taking the woman's hand and leading her to the centre of the ballroom. The woman spun around to face Autumn. "You ready?" She asked, placing her wrists on each of Autumn's shoulders. "As ready as I'll ever be I suppose."

The two women swayed to The Blue Danube and did not break eye contact once. "Not really my usual kind of music. I'm more of a Rihanna type of girl." The woman said finally looking away. Even with her mask on, Autumn could tell she was blushing. "I hate classical music. I grew up on the stuff and had to play it on the violin twice a week when I was tutored. Now I prefer artists like Metallica." Autumn replied, finally placing her hands on the woman's waist, "Do you know how to waltz? We look slightly out of place dancing like this." The other woman looked around the room at the other dancing people and back up at her. "I don't actually. The only dance experience I have is from clubbing in the early naughties." She laughed but Aut could tell that she was telling the truth. She pulled to a holt. "Right I'm going to show you the basics. I'll lead." The woman looked wary but nodded anyway. "Okay. So follow my feet. All you have to do is mirror my side steps and every time I step back you will step forward and vice verse." Autumn started slowly, stepping a foot back and then both to the right. Then she stepped forward and to the left. "Okay, you're a natural. All you have to do is continue doing this over and over. It becomes second nature after a few times." Autumn began to pick up the pace to match the tempo of the music. They moved in unison and Autumn began to spin them as the did the waltz. The candle lit chandeliers dimly shon on the woman's face and Autumn caught a glimpse of her eyes, a deep and piercing blue unlike anything she had seen before. "You have beautiful eyes." The woman stumbled at the compliment, stepping on Autumn's toe. "Oh shit sorry! And uhhh- thank you! You're stunning." She replied, avoiding eye contact. "Oh please, you can't even see half of my face." The woman giggled at her response. "Oh please, I have bloody eyes! Look at you." Autumn felt the corners of her lips curl. This was the first time all night she had smiled. All week if memory serves correct.

The song ended and the pair stopped dancing. "Well that was far more fun than drowning in white wine, wasn't it? I've got to head off, long day of work tomorrow. It was lovely to meet you..." The woman awaited Autumn's reply. "Well I won't break masquerade etiquette by saying my name..." the woman's was disappointed, that much was obvious by the way her smile slowly dropped, "however I'll give you a part of it. You can call me A.K, my initials. And you are?" The woman's look of disappointment faded instantly into a bright smile. "Well I guess we're going by initials... I'm M.V.G but please just call me M. Seems a bit weird otherwise." She laughed and started to head towards the door. Autumn stood for a moment. Could she really let the woman who made her the happiest she'd been in months just walk out the door? No.

She walked as fast as her heels would allow and placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. She turned to face her. "Oh sorry, did I forget something?" She asked, patting herself down and opening her clutch. "No no I just wanted to ask something. Could have your number? There's no way I'm ending tonight wishing I asked you for it and being annoyed I let an amazing woman leave without a proper goodbye." She asked, scanning the woman's face for a reply. She smiled and put out her hand. "I'll put my number in your phone." Autumn reached into her purse, fishing out her mobile and passing it to the woman. "And for what it's worth, I think you're an amazing woman too." She beamed, passing back the phone and turning on her heels for the door.

There was something about that woman Autumn couldn't quite place her finger on. She felt warmth in her chest and a smile permanently stuck to her face. M.V.G...

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