5 • The Morning After

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Autumn rolled over, the light from her window streaming in. She groaned and pulled the covers over her head. She stretched her arms out and froze when she hit something, no, someone. Pulling the covers back down, she looked beside her. Sara, the waitress from the night before, scrolling on her phone under the covers. "Morning Autumn!" She smiled and swept a strand of hair out of Autumn's face. Autumn put her hand up to her head, feeling her migraine get worse at the noise of Sara's high pitched voice. "Hangover. Gonna go make coffee." Autumn said and dragged herself out of bed, sliding on her dressing gown.

Autumn stood in her kitchen, watching the coffee drip as it brewed. She re-jogged her memory of the night before, remembering taking shots with Sara at the end of her shift and the two of them deciding to split for a taxi. Eventually they got to Autumn's place and she invited Sara in. The rest was a bit of a blur but she wasn't stupid, she slept with Sara, that much was obvious.


Autumn snapped out of her thoughts and went to answer the door. Marjorie was at the door, pacing with a bottle of wine. "Hiya Autumn. Can I come in? We need to talk." She said. Autumn almost let her in until she remembered that Sara was still upstairs.

Autumn had spent the last month of knowing Marjorie in agony. At first, she thought there was a chance that the woman might like her back. That was until she heard the rumours. Well they weren't rumours, they were more like common knowledge, even to the parents. Marjorie spent most of her time sat in the office scrolling on dating sites. More specifically, scrolling through men on dating sites. She was straight. The worst part of that was that no matter how hard Autumn tried, she couldn't stop her feelings. Every time Marjorie was around her, she felt like she had butterflies in her stomach and sometimes when the woman looked at her, she swore there was something there, something between them but deep down, she knew she was wrong. That's why she invited Sara in. She had to move on.

"Honestly now isn't the best time. Is there any way you could come over later?" Autumn asked. She saw the smile on Marjorie's face drop. Confusion filled her head. Why was Marjorie upset that she couldn't come in right now? Why was she there anyway? Why was the woman looking over her shoulder? Autumn looked behind her, thinking Marjorie had spotted Caddie, Autumn's cat. Instead of a fluffy ball of energy, she was met with a disheveled and half dressed Sara. Autumn turned back to Marjorie and saw something she didn't expect. Tears. "Okay um... I'm gonna go. Enjoy your day Autumn." Her voice cracked as she spoke, tears and mascara rolling down her cheek. The woman turned around and stormed towards her car, wiping her eyes.

Autumn was ready to run after her, ready to ask why the woman was crying, ready to wrap her up in her arms and tell her that everything was okay. She was ready, but she didn't.



Sorry the chapter is so short. I'm not great at writing this sort of sad shit 😭

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