Autumn x Janice

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My father's parties are always a waste of time. I never enjoy them, it's just constant flirting from my father's rich associates. They are always old wrinkly creeps that I would rather never cross paths with. The way I have to just put up with their advances makes me sick, there's nothing I can do about it but try and keep to myself. If my dad ever found out that I was disrespectful to his rich powerful associates there would be hell to pay. The way he would treat me as a kid when I wasn't receptive to their creepy advances still haunts me to this day. All I want is to be treated like a person.

It was once again that dreaded time, my father had sent me an invitation to his newest party. He only invited me to parade me around to his friends and show off that I was his creation, the woman that will one day take over his empire. He has never been proud of me for a single thing I've done in my life. It's never enough for him but he sure does know how to put on the loving father persona. It's a shame that he never showed me that love when it didn't get him praise and attention from his associates.

I've learned to accept this though, It's just something I will always have to put up with. The only saving grace of these parties is that my father often has some young women on the go. I'm not able to be openly homosexual in front of him but I very much enjoy it when they give me attention. It doesn't feel dirty like the pervy men do, it feels genuine. I know my father has recently come into contact with a beautiful dark haired young woman. She is breathtaking and every part of me is hoping she is invited to this party. She will certainly make it more entertaining.

I decided to make myself extra done up for this particular party, just on the off chance she is invited. I bought a brand new lace sleeved black dress. It was figure hugging in the most flattering ways and left little to the imagination in the cleavage area. I don't want to sound cocky but I looked absolutely ethereal. I paired my dress with knee high heeled boots and enough jewelry to make me stick to a magnet. I curled my hair to perfection and painted my nails black, they had to look their best. It is a bit silly that I was doing this all for a woman that didn't even know I existed but it also made the idea of this party more bearable.

My phone buzzed as I finally perfected my outfit, it was a text from my father.
Where are you Autumn? You best be coming, don't let me down.

God he is impatient. He's lucky I'm even turning up at all. I sighed as I walked outside to my red jaguar, the drive there was peaceful but I was incredibly nervous for some reason. I've never been intimidated by anyone at these parties but thinking about the dark haired woman was giving me butterflies. She has me captivated.

As I pulled up to my father's mansion I couldn't help but feel nervous, I didn't want to attend this party at all. I just hoped she was there, maybe she would talk to me, that would make all the unwanted sexual advances from my father's golf buddies worth it. I grabbed my purse and went inside, immediately walking up to my father just to let him know I was in attendance.

“Ah mutton chops, nice of you to finally show up.” He taunted. I hate that nickname more than anything, it's a constant reminder that he will never care about my feelings. “Wouldn't miss it!” I sighed as I glanced around the room. Unfortunately, I couldn't see her anywhere. A wave of disappointment washed over me in that moment but I decided to just get on with the evening. “I'm going to the bar father.” I said as I strutted out of the room. All I could hope was that it wasn't too crowded so I could live in blissful ignorance for the evening.

Thankfully, the bar was very quiet. I knew this would be short lived but I would be able to enjoy my first few drinks in peace. I sat on the middle stool and ordered my first couple of drinks, “Two rosés please” I said with a smile. The bartender who worked for my father was incredibly sweet, I had known him almost my entire life. He handed me my drinks and I got lost in my thoughts, ignoring the world around me. There was no sense to my thoughts other than a certain person that would occasionally pop back up. Why was I thinking about her so much? I've barely even met her.

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