The Experiment That Failed.

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1st of November - 2045.

" What has happened ?" asked the Sergeant General to the scientist, John Date.

"Nothing, Sir." said John wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Now is he making progress?"

"Yes sir, Robert, he is better than ever and soon will be evolved fully."

Robert Smith, Sergeant General of the White Blend Army took to relief as he heard the words 'evolved fully'.

Three years of hardship and labor of the White Blend Army was coming front. At first the idea of making a superhuman out of a man appeared absurd to him, honestly speaking. He was never good at science and when John Date first produced his idea of genes transplant it all bounced high above his head.

But, John Date convinced him of a fearless warrior in the shape of that superhuman and so, he agreed to the proposal.

As the prediction by the hermit about the end of the Earth proved correct, the need of superhuman had also increased. John date, the scientist and writer of many books was given the idea of a superhuman by his daughter, Celia. Ever since he had worked on it.

Sergeant turned and looked at the screen on the left side of the room to read the progress of evolution. He then looked at the other part of that operation room. Two of the scientists were busy with the files as if in search of some lost equations. Three of them were around the operation table with John Date moving on with the operation. There were no windows in this underground laboratory.

Suddenly, there was a grumbling sound all around; whole of the laboratory shook violently. It was the third of that week. But, there was no danger here inside this laboratory. The people working here had not been out for more than a week. What had been going out of the lab was not known to them.

But, this earthquake appeared to be more violent than all its predecessors. The eyes of general, on the dot, went onto the table where laid the first superhuman.

John date, he also too much frightened to see the mess. All the things in the hall vibrated. The scientist ran upto the General.

"Its the earthquake of the highest magnitude, sir."

The General was enraged at this miss-happening, he pointed with his finger at the Evolution Reading Metre.

"What is the reading on ERM"

The scientist knew that the General was not a peaceful guy and would not be happy to know the bad results. He wiped the few drops of perspiration from his forehead again and stammered.

"Its... about 80."

"Ah! What the fuck; 20 more to go. Can't your nasty hands work faster. This machine lying there is the last hope for the survival of human race. Can't you do anything, Date?"

Suddenly, the sirens wailed all around the laboratory. The Genrenal glanced a furious look at the scientist to work faster, Date ran to the Operation Room and the General to the Room of Security. At the door soldiers saluted him and opened the door for him.

He ran to the man sitting at the farthest end and cried at him,

"How much time we have got, Mark?"

The thin man with the thin frame spectacle abruptly jumped from the seat and shivered.

"Only half an hour. This building is going to collapse, sir."

"Ah! Why the devil, so near to success and still empty handed." shounted the young General tearing his hair apart like a man whose everything had been lost.

Meanwhile, John Date had reached to the Operation Table, he took his operating instrument up and began doing the operation of that superhuman.

The earthquake had still not passed away. The floor, the wall and all of them inside shook violently.

Suddenly, there was a sparking in the head of the superhuman, the scientist and his subordinates took no notice of it they kept on doing their work.

At the same moment, the ERM made a bleep, Date turned to read it. No sooner had he read the reading, his instruments fell from his hands. Others looked at his amazed face,

"Its the reading...its over 99%"
stammered the scientist.

And with another bleep, the reading was 100%. There was silence all around the laboratory, even the earthquake was silent then. All of a sudden, the Operation Table was surrounded by all the scientists in the room. They all looked at each other silently and then winked at the table. After sometime of silence, there was a little commotion in the body on the table.

Date, again wiped the perspiration and the criss- crosses on his forehead depicted his vexation. The body lying was of a boy that looked very handsome.

There was not even a single mark of pain on his face, the blonde face of his could make him a superstar. The long hair he had were tied to a knot at the back. Save the face and heart his whole body was of shining silver material called Ironium. The legs were black in color, the material used for legs was the Coalanium. It could make him walk even in the fire.

The materials used were said to be strongest of all. These unbreakable materials were also loaded with heavy weaponry.

There was a movement in the body, they all stared hard at it. That boy suddenly opened his eyes - he had red round eyes.

He sat up and looked around the lab. There was pin drop silence around the laboratory. He got up very peacefully and looked at Date. Date hesitated on seeing him,

"He-had- red -eyes." stammered one of the scientist to Date.

The boy looked as if very young of 20 years of age. He brought his hand infront of silvery texture. He grabbed the scientist who was speaking to Date. Every one was shocked at that, he caught the man by the neck and pressed it, the neck of the man broke inside and he died on the spot. Next he grunted and grabbed Date by the neck. Everyone ran out of the laboratory for their lives.

"No Derek, no..." stammered Date
"No...son...I'm your father; no this is wrong."

After killing Date, the boy turned towards them, he grab hold of one of the running men and threw him in the wall, he died too. In this manner he killed all those who were in the room. He looked at all those dead men and then saw them wearing clothes. He undressed one of them and dressed himself in his army clothes. He came to the out door and opened it. The earthquake had stopped but the siren wailed all around. He opened the out door and came out. The rage of the sun went straight into his eyes and he had to close them. He dropped to ground and took hold of the sand. After sometime he adopted the Sun's light and got up. He looked around the place but could only see the wilderness, far over there the building had collapsed and nothing left. It appeared to him as if the Earth was no more.

"Damn!" He said and cried aloud towards the sky.

Hello to all my readers it is my 1st novel pls vote and comment it. I'll upload next chapter soon...
I hope it is very interesting to read but next chapter is really awesome :)....

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