Who Are You ?

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Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better - Susane Colasanti

"Man I promised my mama I'd never do this shit." I complained as I rode in the front seat of My cousin Kenneth's black Audi.
Kenneth was my mom's sister son. Him and I were raised completely different. Kenny grew up in the streets and I grew up with my head in the books. Mama always told me to stay away from cousin Kenny because he wasn't any good and that he wasn't.

"One drop. That's it." I told my self for the hundredth time today. "Quit acting like a bitch." Kenny laughed driving through Buckhead. "This the easiest money ever. Just chill."

"Now look when we get in here just let me do the talking." He said parking in the driveway filled with cars. "You gone get me killed. I just know it." He laughed again. "Chill man, These cool people. Carter cool asf trust me." He Said before opening the door.

Carter was one of the biggest drug lords in Atlanta. A name everyone knew but a face no one ever saw. Rumor has it only people close to Carter has ever seen him because a couple years ago he got into it with some niggas from Memphis and they messed his face up pretty bad. I really don't know but I just knew Kenny had to be very high up on the food chain to be kicking it with Carter.

"Wassup man." Kenneth dapped up a tall dark skinned man as we walked into a room. "Yo this my cousin Desean. The one I was telling yall about." They nodded before dapping me up. "Yo where Carter?" Kenneth asked before sitting down on the couch and rolling a blunt.

"I just know yall not smoking in my house." I turned around, putting a face to the voice.

"Last time I checked I live here too." A brown skinned man said blowing smoke through his nose. "Last time I checked I paid the fucking bills around here." She smacked him in the back of the head before sitting on the couch next to Kenny. "Wassup Jada." He chuckled as she took the blunt out of his hand and put it out.

"Did you do that thing we talked about?" I heard her ask him lowly. "Yeah. You know I gotcha."

"This my cousin Desean." He said introducing me to her. "Nice to meet you Desean." She leaned over and shook my hand.

"Tf you being so nice for?" Ty asked.



"Nice to meet you Desean." I smirked while shaking his hand. Lord knows this boy is fine. The things I could do to him.

"Tf you being so nice for?" Ty asked. I took my eyes off of Desean and looked at my dumb ass brother. "Because I'm not a narcissistic asshole like you." He nodded. "Yeah you right, You just a psychotic asshole." I chuckled in nodded my head because it was true.

"Anyways lets get down to business. Yo Kenny you and ya boy take the package and give it to them boys out there in stone mountain. Then you know what to do." I sat back as Marcus explained this simple ass job to them. "Here." I grabbed the keys to a black tahoe parked outside and tossed it to them. "Its all in there." They nodded before getting up.

"Yall can go too." I bluntly stated looking at my brother Tyreek and Cousin Marcus. They began complaining like little girls before they left.


I sat at the kitchen table with my seven year old son King. King was playing on his ipad while I was looking at my phone. "Mom, why did the picture go to jail?" I shrugged. "I don't know why?" "Because it was framed." He said trying to hold his laugh in but he couldn't.

I shook my head and laughed. "Your so corny." I focused my attention back to my messages when I seen a text from King's father begging me to let him see my son. That wasn't happening so I don't understand why he kept asking. "King , Guess what?" I asked getting up from the table. "What?"
"Chicken Butt." I answered causing him to laugh showing off his smile. My poor baby was missing all his front teeth.

"No, Seriously. Go get you jacket and shoes, im hungry." He nodded and did as told. I waited in the foyer him to come back down stairs. "You cant wear those." He giggled pointing at my shoes. I looked down and realized I had my ninja turtles house shoes on. "Why not? I like these. You dont think mommy looks cool?" He shook his head.

I chuckled. "I'll change them in the car. C'mon." I opened the door and seen Kenny's cousin getting out of impala. "King, Get it the car." I said hitting the locks on my all white Mercedes G63 AMG SUV.

"Umm is Carter here?" He asked.

I looked at him and smiled. "Yes Carter is here." I answered. "Um, Kenny wanted me to tell him that we did the drop and the money is in the safe." I turned around and unlocked the door and grabbed their money out the table in my foyer. "Here you go. Tell Kenny Jada said She might need a favor for Carter." I handed him to money and walked to my car.


I walked into my townhouse and seen Kenny on my couch with his feet kicked up. Something really wrong with him. "Getcho' feet down." I knocked his feet off my coffee table and sat down next to him. "Here man." I reached in my pocket and handed him his cut.

"Oh and Jada said she needs you to do a favor for Carter." I said as I counted the money. "You do know they the same people." I looked at him confusingly. "Yeah Jada is Carter." My eyes widened.

"You mean to tell me little ole' Jada is Carter." He nodded. "The Carter? The biggest Drug Lord in Atlanta Ga? This a joke right?" He laughed and nodded again. "She might flash that million dollar smile and bat them eyelashes, but dont let that fool you. That girl is crazy ass hell and she don't play her money." He explained.

I just can't believe Jada was Carter.


Yes, My name is Jada Michelle Cater-Williams. I love seeing people's face when they finally put my face to the name.

"Can I get oysters?" I heard King ask from behind his menu. "Eww, No." I shook my head. "Pleasee." He said dragging the word. "Fine, but pick something else too. You wont like it." He nodded and looked back at his menu.

"King today I seen this cutest little puppy and I wanted to get but I changed my mind." I said showing him the picture of the dog. "Can we go get him tomorrow?" He begged. "I don't know. ZB might get jealous." I said talking about our German Shepherd. "So." I laughed and shook my head. "Wassup nephew." Marcus said joining us.

Marcus was my older cousin but to me he was more like a brother. We grew up together he held me down and had my back and I did the same. See Tyreek, Marcus, His six siblings, and Myself lived in a two bedroom apartment with our junkie mothers. We've been together through everything, its always been that way and will stay that way.

"Guess who I ran into today?" Marcus said giving King money, like always. I hated that.


"The Michael King Williams." I rolled my eyes to sound of that name. My baby daddy and ex-husband. "Why didn't yall keep me away from him ?"

"Trust me. We tried!" He chuckled. "You were in love, I guess that was okay."

"Never say, His name or that word again." I rolled my eyes. "Im so hungry. I can eat the whole damn menu." Marcus stated.

"Language around my son and thats fine because your paying." I smiled.


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Oh Yeah. If you would like I have another book titled No Love:An August Alsina Love Story.

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