12. Arjun and Draupadi in Hastinapur

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AUTHOR'S NOTE : Hey Everyone! Hope you're all still hooked to this book! Happy Reading ❤️

Yudhishthir took the road West of Indraprasth to reach the beautiful Kingdom of Sivi located in the foothills of the Western part of the Himalayan Range. He had married Princess Devika, the daughter of the great King Govasena of Sivi soon after he acquired Indraprasth. He had traversed the country with the objective to sign treaties with 100 kings for the Rajsuya Yagna to come into fruition. That is when he had reached Sivi. Though he had graced the city of Sivi with the objective to sign a Treaty with King Govasena, he could not help but partake in the beautiful Princess Devika's Swayamvar which would also further strengthen the alliance between Sivi and Indraprasth. Yudhishthir had clearly emerged victorious in her Swayamvar but he could not take Devika to Indraprasth as per the conditions of his then-wife Draupadi. So he had promised Devika that he would come to visit her and stay with her for sometime after he completes Indraprasth's Rajsuya Yagna. The hands of fate made sure of Yudhishthir's promise to Devika being fulfilled. Albeit he lost Indraprasth soon after the Rajsuya Yagna. He indeed was coming back to her.

Bheem took the road East of Indraprasth to reach the sacred Kingdom of Kashi. He had married the Princess of Kashi, Valandhara after his marriages with Hidimba and Draupadi. He too had taken part in Valandhara's Swayamvar while expanding Indraprasth's allies for the Rajsuya Yagna. Bheem had fathered a child named Ghatotkacha borne by Hidimba, the Queen of Rakshas Raj. But because Ghatotkacha wasn't human, he could not ever be considered a Kuru Prince. Bheem focused on Krishn emphasising the need for himself, Yudhishthir, Nakul and Sahadev to reconnect with their respective wives in light of Draupadi dissolving her marriage with the 4 of them. Krishn emphasised on the matter for the expansion of the new generation of Pandu's family. More princes who under the leadership of the first, the eldest Prince, Abhimanyu would ensure another generation of undaunted love and trust amongst brothers.

Nakul took the road South of Indraprasth to reach the Kingdom of Chedi whose exquisite and beautiful Princess Karenumati was married to him. He too had married her in order to strengthen the Treaty of Chedi-Indraprasth. Her father, King Shishupal (who had lost his life just a month or so ago at Indraprasth's Maya Sabha) the distant cousin of the Pandavas wished for either of the Pandava Princes to marry her for added assurance of alliance. Nakul having been attracted towards the Princess, decided to marry her.

Sahadev took the road North of Indraprasth to reach his maternal home, the glorious Kingdom of Madra. He had married Princess Vijaya, the daughter of King Dyutimat of Salwa. King Dyutimat was also a distant cousin of Sahadev's Maternal Uncle King Shalya of Madra. And with Salwa and Madra being political allies and extended family, King Dyutimat and his family were widely recognised as the royal family of Madra too. Sahadev had gone to Salwa to sign a Treaty thus binding Salwa and Indraprasth in alliance. There, he partook in Princess Vijaya's Swayamvar and married her.

Arjun and Draupadi headed towards Hastinapur. On foot. There was a whirlwind of emotions in Arjun's heart. The bitter knowledge that he was going to his home to spend a year, not as a family member but as his eldest cousin's slave corroded a corner of his mind. A similar whirlwind of emotions was prevalent in Draupadi's heart too. The Raj Bhawan that should have been her rightful home after marriage first stripped her honour and was now anticipating Arjun's enslavement. Draupadi knew that neither she nor Arjun would ever in eons accept slavery. Their bodies in the physical realm might have to in order to honour an elder's orders but their hearts would not. Arjun could see the flag of Hastinapur peeking through the horizon. The flag turned into peaks of the Palace soon and the peaks turned to the entire Palace itself. As he, along with Draupadi progressed towards their destination, he could feel agitation and helplessness take over.

Arjun and Draupadi reached the Palace gate. The soldiers looked helplessly at the Prince of Hastinapur and his wife in commoners' attire. The Prince of Hastinapur and the Princess of Panchal being devoid of the opulent ornaments and lustrous garments was a bewildering sight to behold. No, they were prohibited from bowing down in courtesy. By law, their Prince was now a part of the most downtrodden class of society. Even lower than the soldiers themselves. Arjun sensed their hesitation and stepped forward. He said, "Soldiers, I am here to serve Yuvraj Duryodhan. I plead for me and my wife to be allowed to enter and proceed towards the servants' quarters". Arjun's calm and humble tone saddened the soldiers further. They cleared the path for the Royal Couple. Arjun and Draupadi nodded in courtesy and walked towards the quarters. They had both hoped to not see Bhishma, Kunti or Vidur on the way. Their elders' hearts would shatter if they saw Arjun and Draupadi entering the servants' quarters. But the couple knew they had to inevitably face their elders sooner or later. Hearts would shatter still. It is just that the postponement gave them all momentary relief.

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