Episode: 8

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Jungkook POV:

That morning, Taehyung came to call me for breakfast. At the table, Rosé sat beside Taehyung and silently ate her meal. She didn't even glance at me once and ate her meal and told Taehyung to come fast since they would be running late for their hospital shift. In the evening, Rosé and Taehyung came home. While Rosé was upstairs, Taehyung asked all of us if any of the members of the family or me knew about any incident that had occurred. Apparently, he noticed Rosé being too short-tempered than usual which was concerning him. Of course I didn't feel like talking to him about what happened. Moreover, Rosé also did not speak about it to anyone. Pretty weird woman! If any other woman was in her place, they would probably make a scene out of it.

After dinner, I went to jog through the neighbourhood before going to bed. I was hoping to quietly go to my bed but like before, THAT WOMAN was again standing in my way in front of the door, waiting for me to return. As soon as I stepped inside, she brought out a piece of paper and pushed it against my face.

Rosé: Read this.

I take one glance at the paper

Jungkook: What is this?

Rosé: If you wanna live with us, you have to follow some rules. You are not AT ALL allowed to do AS YOU PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She glared at me.

Annoyed, I glanced at the paper again and tore it into shreds.

Crossed, she said

Rosé: What the hellllllll is WWWrrrrroooonnngggggg with you???????

Jungkook: If you don't get in my way, you'll not have to deal with me, ya know.

I said, making my way past her towards the staircase.

As I was about to climb up the staircase, she pulled me by my hand

Rosé: I'll make you listen to my lectures AT ANY COST

She said in an enraged tone

I tssked at her and started climbing up the staircase again. She pulled again but this time i was prepared. So with force, I freed my arm from her grasp. However in that process, she lost her balance and was about to fall off the staircase. In that split second, my body reacted on its own. IMy quick reflexes made me jump and embrace her mid-air to protect her from being seriously injured. After all, she was my ticket to Park Jimin. The CRASH sound of the impact woke up everyone in the house. They rushed to the staircase to see THE CRYBABY WOMAN weeping like her husband just died or something. I really wish I could just KILL her RRIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHTTTTTTT NNNNNOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!

I seriously don't understand HER type of women. She did not get a single scratch. Fortunately I also ended up with nothing more than some small bruises.

I finally freshened up and was about to go to bed and AGAIN, :LITERALLY FOR THE 100th TIME, she AGAIN came creeping in my field of view. She was STILL weeping while I gave her a death glare. Even after my attempts to scare her off, she STILL came in!!!!!!!! AHHHHH FUCKKKK (That's all that was going on in my head).

Jungkook: Why are you here? Can you just LEAVE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!

She wiped her tears and said

Rosé: Why are you always mean to me? What the hell did I do? I thought we solved every problem between us last night. Why can't you just hear ONE THING I ask you to do????

I just acted like she did not even exist in my room and lay down on the bed, turning my back on her.

She stood there near the door stupefied. She stood still for a few minutes as I could feel her stares towards me. She then opened the door and before closing the door behind her, she said

Rosé: I understand you don't like my sight for some reason. But you don't have to worry...Mr. Bunny, we'll take you to the police tomorrow. I am sure they'll figure out your identity and help you reunite with your family. We should have done that earlier. I am sorry for causing you trouble and thank you for saving me from falling off the stairs. We'll hopefully NEVER MEET AGAIN!!!!!! 

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Bad Romance | Rosekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now