Emily Blunt And John Krasinski

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Emily: Flower.

John: Daredevil.

Your Baby Room: 

Your Baby Room: 

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You were sitting in your playpen trying to find a good toy that you could stick in your mouth to stop your gums from hurting. Your eye caught a toy rattle that you had. You stuck it in your mouth and started chewing on it.

When your mum walked into the room to check on you, she saw you chewing on your toy and took it out your mouth.

Emily: "Don't chew on that, flower. That's yucky." Your mum said, making you cry.

Your mum picked you up and tried to calm you down and when nothing worked, she stuck her finger in your mouth. She started to feel around and felt one of your teeth coming through. Sighing, she walked to the freezer, grabbed you a teething ring and handed it to you.

Emily: "Here you go, flower." Your mum said, smiling now that you were happy.

First Word(s): 

If you didn't know Emily and Michael Buble dated from 2005 to 2008 before she met John.

Your mum was getting ready for the premiere of her new movie, Gideon's Daughter. You were sitting on the floor of your mum's room playing with your grandma when your mum walked out of the bathroom in a beautiful cream dress.

Joanna: "You look beautiful, sweetheart." Your grandma said to your mum, as she picked you up and placed you on her hip.

Emily: "Thanks mum." Your mum said, as she took you from her mum. "What do you think, flower?" Your mum asked you, not expecting an answer.

Y/n: "Pretty." You said.

Joanna: "Did she just say her first word?" Your grandma asked your mum.

Emily: "Yes she did." Your mum said, as she kissed you on the cheek.

You then all heard the door go and your mum walked to it and then opened it.

Emily: "Hey babe." Your mum said, letting him in.

Michael: "Hey beautiful." Michael said. "Hey kid." Michael said to you, ruffling your hair.

Joanna: "Right, you two better get going. You don't want to be late." Your grandma said, chuckling a little.

Your mum handed you to your grandma, kissed your head and then left with Michael.

First Steps: 

Your mum was in the kitchen cooking some food for you, her and Michael when Michael walked through the door.

Michael: "Hey beautiful." Michael said, as he walked into the kitchen and kissed your mum.

Emily: "Hey babe." Your mum said, as she went back to cooking.

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