Tom Cruise

14 0 0

Nicknames: Kiddo.

Your Baby Room:

Your Baby Room:

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Your dad was currently trying on a suit for the premiere of his new movie, Collateral. You were sitting on the floor playing with some toys while your dad looked in the mirror.

Tom: "What do you think, kiddo?" Your dad asked, looking down at you.

You just spoke your normal gibberish and clapped your small hands. Just then, your gums started to hurt and you started crying. Your dad picked you up and tried bouncing you in his arms. When that didn't work, he stuck his finger in your mouth, which you bit down on.

Tom: "Ow." Your dad said, pulling his finger away, making you cry again.

Your dad put his finger back in your mouth, went downstairs, grabbed a teething ring out of the freezer and gave it to you. Your dad then went back upstairs to change out of the suit he had on because you got drool on the shoulder of his blazer.

First Word(s):

Your dad was currently sitting on the sofa with you on his lap, waiting for the movie to come back on the TV that he was watching.

You were looking at the TV really confused but when an advert showed your dad, you were even more confused. You wondered how you dad was on the telly and so you looked at your dad and then looked back at the TV and then said your first word, well, first words.

Y/n: "Dada, telly?" You said.

Your dad was taken back by your first word, but then he looked at your confused face and chuckled to himself.

Tom: "Well done, kiddo. Daddy is on TV." Your dad said, ruffling your hair. You still looked really confused, which only made your dad chuckle more. "Daddy will explain it to you when you're older." He said.

You both then watched the movie when it came back on the TV.

First Steps:

You and your dad were in the back garden on a hot day. Your dad had put a little kiddy pool up for you, but you were currently sitting next to your dad because he fell asleep on the towel that he placed down.

You had gotten a really good idea to get your dad to wake up. You managed to get up, walk over to your kiddy pool, grab a little plastic bucket, fill it with water and walk back over to your dad, without falling and without dropping the bucket of water. You had no idea how you managed to do that, but you did.

You stood next to your dad and tipped the water on his face, making him jolt awake and look at your giggling form.

Tom: "You monster." Your dad said, as he grabbed you and started tickling you.

Y/n: "Dada, stop." You said, through giggles.

When your dad stopped he then looked back at you.

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