A Dance Around the Oval Office

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"Excuse me?" Kamala called out, tilting her head slightly as she watched Kori walk away. Kori paused and glanced over her shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Kamala asked.

"I thought we were done," Kori said, her tone casual as she turned to face Kamala.

Kamala tilted her head further. "Did I say we were done?"

"Well, no. But I don't see the point in sitting here in silence while you work," Kori shrugged, clearly unbothered. "I was enjoying my lunch when you called for me, and now you're keeping me from it."

"You don't leave until I dismiss you, Kori," Kamala replied, her tone firm as she closed the binder in front of her and pushed it aside. She clasped her hands and rested her chin on them, eyeing Kori. Kori considered making a smart remark but held back. She had learned that while Kamala often entertained her sarcasm, it wasn't wise to overdo it. Sometimes, knowing when to hold your tongue was key.

"So, what else do you need, Madame President?" Kori asked, her annoyance creeping into her voice. "You've got me sitting here in awkward silence, waiting for direction. I'm not your assistant, I'm your social media manager. If you need an assistant, hire one."

Kamala laughed, standing up and shaking a finger at Kori. "You know...I like you."

Kamala began closing the blinds. "You're different from the rest of my team. I respect your commitment to humbling me."

Kori was caught off guard by the shift in Kamala's tone. She hesitated, unsure of where this was going.

"I just don't want you getting too comfortable," Kori quipped, her expression serious. Kamala chuckled again.

"Exactly," Kamala nodded. "You stand your ground. You know your worth, and you never let me forget it. I can't just have my way with you."

Kori's thoughts raced. Oh, you could have your way with me if you really wanted to, she thought. From the moment she met Kamala, Kori had been captivated. When Kamala had first introduced herself, flashing that signature smile, Kori's knees had nearly buckled. She had been quietly crushing on her boss ever since but kept her distance to avoid any awkward situations.

Kamala turned back toward Kori, a slick smile playing on her lips. "You're not a pushover, not even for the President, and I admire that."

"I don't make exceptions for anyone, no matter their title," Kori replied confidently. "I respect you, Madame President, but I'm not going to let you take advantage of my work. That's all. I just don't want you to get it twisted."

Kamala laughed softly as she walked over to the door and locked it. Instantly, Kori's stomach dropped. What's going on? Kori wondered.

"That mouth of yours..." Kamala shook her head slowly, stepping closer. "What did I tell you about your mouth?"

Kori's mind raced as Kamala began unbuttoning her jacket while approaching her. Closing the blinds, locking the door—oh shit, Kori thought, her heart racing.

"I, um..." Kori started, her voice trailing off. Kamala stopped just inches away. "I know what you told me..."

"I know you remember, but I want to hear you say it. What did I tell you?" Kamala's tone was low, her eyes locked on Kori's.

Kori took a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "You said that one day my mouth would get me into trouble. And maybe even with you."

Kamala nodded slowly, that same smirk lingering. She stepped even closer, eliminating the gap between them. When Kori's eyes flicked down to acknowledge it, Kamala gently lifted her chin with a finger.

"And I meant it," Kamala said, her voice cold and firm.

"So, I'm in trouble now?" Kori asked with a shrug, trying to play it cool. Kamala intimidated Kori in that moment, though she didn't need to know that.

"You're not going to fire me," Kori continued, her voice confident.

"You're so sure?" Kamala asked, arching a brow, her gaze flickering down to Kori's lips.

"Absolutely. You like having me around. You need me to keep you grounded, and I'm damn good at my job. You'd rather I quit than fire me."

Kamala chuckled, glancing over Kori once more. "So you think you've got me all figured out?"

"No, I'm not saying that," Kori shook her head. "I'm saying you know I'm one of your best assets. Social media is crucial in today's world, and no one has boosted your presence online like I have. You wouldn't get rid of me. You're too smart for that."

Kamala's smirk grew as her eyes narrowed. "Is talking slick all you can do with that tongue of yours?"

Kori's lips curled into a grin. "It has other talents, but that's not relevant to my job."

Kamala leaned in, her gaze piercing. "Oh, you know you wanna show me."

Kori's pulse quickened as she realized just how dangerous this game was becoming. "You're playing with the wrong one, Madame President," she warned softly. "You have no idea what you're getting into."

Kamala's smile deepened. "I ran for President with the odds stacked against me. You think I'm afraid?"

Before Kori could respond, Kamala's lips were on hers, and the world blurred around them. In an instant, Kamala's body was pressed against hers, and Kori was too caught up in the heat of the moment to notice her hands gripping Kamala's posterior. Their kiss was slow at first but quickly turned hungry, desperate, as if they had both been waiting for this moment for far too long.

Kori helped Kamala out of her jacket, tossing it over to the couch as she carefully backed her up toward the desk. Her fingers worked swiftly to unbutton Kamala's shirt, revealing her black bra and the smooth brown skin beneath. Kori's lips trailed down Kamala's neck, her hands guiding Kamala to sit on the edge of the desk as Kamala kicked off her pants.

And so the dance began.

The office was soon filled with moans and heavy breathing, the intensity between them building as they gave in to everything they had held back for so long. The desk shook under them as Kori's fingers worked their magic, and Kamala's hands clutched at the wood, trying to stay steady.

They redirected to the couch, the pace of energy never slowing, each touch more intense than the last. Kori couldn't believe how quickly she had lost control under Kamala's mercy, and Kamala's soft whispers and moans only pushed her further. It was raw, passionate, and wild—a release of everything they'd suppressed.

When they finally reached their peak, the room fell into a quiet hum of labored breaths and soft kisses. The fire between them still simmered as they got dressed, neither saying a word but both knowing everything had changed.

Kori grabbed her phone and walked toward the door, Kamala following close behind. Kori unlocked it and turned to face her, a teasing smile on her lips.

"I hope I made myself clear, Madame President."

Kamala nodded, her own smile curling at the edges. "Yes, and I hope there are no more misunderstandings. I wouldn't want to have this...conversation again."

Kamala hoped Kori didn't take her last remark too seriously. She was already looking forward to their next encounter. Kori gave her a knowing look and walked out, not bothering to look back. As she made her way down the hallway, she couldn't help but smile to herself when she heard the door close, satisfied with how things had unfolded.

Kamala, leaning against the door, took a moment to compose herself. She glanced around the disheveled office, a smile tugging at her lips as she straightened her jacket. As much as she tried to play it off, she knew full well this wouldn't be the last time.

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