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(Tw, implied s////al situations at a young age, no SA, abuse?)

I don't remember much from my childhood.

I remember awkward situations.

You know like when that boy tried to lock me in his room.

I remember things like when my teachers yelled at me and told me I'd never amount to anything if I didn't fix myself. I remember my mom crying in the toilet while I just had to sit there.

I remember being given erasers by the groundskeeper and him allowing me and my friend to sit in our own special spot nobody else was allowed to go to.

I remember my dad spanking me when I was 4 because I couldn't clean up my peppa pig play set.

I remember being held down by two people in the middle of class because I was having a meltdown and wouldn't stop hitting myself and throwing things. I remember Mr. Doty. He wasn't fit to help kids with special needs.

I remember Oliver. He was so sweet. 

I remember Marie. She was my first friend.

I remember the twins with albinism. They never spoke to me.

"You're not really sorry." - my parent

"It's not all about you." - /////(redacted)//////

"I didn't mean to." - $&$###

"Stop it."

I don't remember their voices.

I don't remember their faces.

I don't remember their touch.

I don't remember what they did.

I don't remember the date.

But I know how it made me feel.

and nothing can ever allow me to forget it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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