Zaveer Chujin Character Bio (MK1)

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Age: 1000 years old

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Age: 1000 years old

Family Members:
Manado Chujin (Father)
Mileena (Mother)
Talion Chujin (Younger Sister)
Kitana (Aunt)
Sindel (Grandmother)
Jerrod (Grandfather)

Super strength
Purple soul energy (Essentially Manado's red energy but colored purple)
Martial Arts
Enhanced Senses and Agility
Transformation: A power passed on by his father, giving him the ability to transform at will into a more shadowy form

Second Form: (Name: Malice)

Second Form: (Name: Malice)

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Love interests:

Mortal Kombat Harem x Male OC Reboot (MK9-MK1)Where stories live. Discover now