No More Secrets

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My senior year is starting and I'm not ready to go back. I do only have three classes, at least. 

I'm anxious to see Trevor. Over the summer he blocked me, and hasn't unblocked me.

I miss him...

This is what I get for fucking up the way I did though.

"Simon!" Monica smiled brightly at me as she came over to me once I entered the school.

"Hey," I waved blankly, falling into step with her and Ezra as we walked to the cafeteria together.

Somehow I wound up friends with her again, and Ezra and her got back together.

"Hey," Ezra nodded at me, draping his arm over Monica.

"I'm fucking dropping out, I swear to God," I heard Aiden's loud mouth across the way, he was standing with Beck, Zac and Trevor by the water fountain.

Trevor had a smile on his face, he looked comfortable.

"You're so fucking dramatic," Beck laughed, punching his shoulder.

I bit the inside of my lip, subtly staring at Trevor.

He had on a pair of black high top Vans, dark grey skinny jeans that had an array of safety pins strewn about, a black v-neck tee, and he was wearing a beanie that was olive green. I also noticed a few rings sitting on his fingers.

I was shocked that a teacher or someone hadn't told him to take his hat off yet.

"Look at those fags," Ezra scoffed. "Fucking tainting the water fountains."

I wanted to cringe.

Over the summer I had finally realized that I'm probably bi or something on that alignment. Because I definitely liked some girls in my class, but I also recognized I had a thing for Joey way back in elementary school, and I now currently have a thing for Trevor.

"I'd love to knock that fucking blond's teeth in, too." Ezra growled, glaring at Trevor.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios?" Monica laughed.

I sighed, laying my face against the table we sat at.

"Aww, someone's depressed, go hang out with the emo freaks," Ezra laughed, punching my arm.

"Fuck you," I grumbled.

"Boys, boys, no need to fight, you're both pretty," Monica laughed. 

"Oh my god," I looked up when Monica said that. I followed her gaze to find Trevor and Aiden mid-kiss.

"Fucking gross." Ezra yelled.

Trevor didn't pull back but he flipped Ezra off, clearly making a point.

I wanted to die when Ezra grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over to them.

"Don't start shit on the first day you fuck." Beck grumbled, glaring daggers at Ezra.

"Why don't you fucking fags stop making out in front of everyone then?" He scoffed.

"If you're gonna stare we're gonna give you a show," Aiden shrugged, cheeks tinted pink. Clearly he enjoyed the kiss a lot more than Trevor did.

"Ezra, I'll give you like five seconds to get the fuck away, I'm being generous," Beck spoke calmly.

"Fuck you, man,"

"Ezra, come on," I grumbled.

Ezra persisted though.

Beck rolled his eyes, passing his phone off to Zac who had a dumb grin on his face and he reeked of weed. He's high as a fucking kite.

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