Introduction ( A G A I N )

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X: Princess Leafy! (she walks towards to X) This is your new servant-bodyguard!

Leafy: (confused) "Servant-Bodygua-" What the H E L L is that job?!

X: Don't asked me, the king hired him! So time to introduce u two and I'll be waiting outside. (Closes the door loudly like he was at a F R I C K I N G cartoon)

Firey: Hello, Princess Leafy. I'm Firey Flame and my job is to serve and protect you from harm.

Leafy: (recognized something) Wait a minute... You're the... (Finally her brain works and she remembered) You're that fire who pushed me to save me!

Firey: Yeah... I kinda remember that... Anyways...since X really want to hear us what were talking. Talk about stalking... Well since I'm out of words to think, its your turn, Princess Leafy.

Leafy: Jus-Just call me Leafy! Anyways... What is your, you know, past job or your life in the outside. I was curious.

Firey: Oh that. My past job is just a boring job as a newspaper boy. I mean its normal, unless your money for a day is 75¢ per day, and facing the harsh weather... And of course you heard those rumors...

Leafy: You mean that the Fire objects from Fire Zone are cruel and heartless?

Firey: That's right. But the truth, is that that rumors are just a hoax, just to created another mob attack like what happened few years ago...

Leafy: What few years ago?

Firey: You know what, just pin it for someday... Anyways, anything to quick question?

Leafy: Nope!

Firey (POV): Wait, how she's so positive even now? Never mind.

Firey: Okay, X maybe waiting for me- (X opened the door and Firey fell to the ground, Leafy giggles seeing Firey fell like that.)

X: Sorry that part, dear fire.

Firey: (holds his head) Nope, its okay. I'm just got used to it.

X: Well,  you two will go out together. Out of the castle, you had time till night. The king said it

Leafy: (she was happy and smiling) Say King Four "Thank you!" 

X: As you wish, and now go out. You are free to go out but with Firey, understood?

Leafy: okay! Let me wear something that no one thinks I'm a princess! (Goes in and close the door)

                                       [ After Leafy dresses...]

A/N: The princess who wears like a citizen and the servant who also wears a citizen is about to go out.

X: Make sure that you must go back at night!

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