the first echo

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??? Pov

I walked into the parkour emporium with a huge grin and ran to my favorite part of the place: the time trial. I put on the shoes they provide to reduce the chance of slipping and run the course as fast as i can flipping, vaulting, and wall running as best i can. After i finish, a man in a fancy suit walks up to me. "My my, aren't you an agile one. Come you've earned a prize." I smile.

Amelia pov.

I wake up from sleep mode, screaming, "NOOO!!" Roxy is there banging on the wall with mackenzie. "amelia?!! Are you ok?! I quickly get up and push the heavy wall that hides my room onside my security office to see the entire glam rock band, mackenzie, and vanessa holding her clearly broken hand. I immediately begin tneding to vanessas hand as roxy is the first to speak. "You've been screaming for an hour." Makenzie said, worried. "It's nothing, just a bad dream." I say using my processors to scan the internet for an idea what it was. As i finished putting vanessas' broken wrist and shattered knuckles in a splint. "Hospital vanessa." I say sternly. She must have done that to force my injury alert programming. She nods and walks out hopefully to go to a hospital as most of what i need is time locked to open when the pizzaplex does whoch isn't for another half hour.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Monty asks. I nod as we leave to head to breakfast. However.....i wonder....was it a dream?  It must have been.....right?

Chica Pov

I take roxy in the kitchen if elchips with me as she can serve and do dishes faster, so in exchange for a bigger breakfast or dinner, she helps. "You think she will be ok?" I asked roxy as i turned on the stove and cracked a couple of eggs. Roxy shook her head. "I know you saw the emotion recognition display. She was terrified. Whatever that dream was scared her shitless." Roxy said firmly. "She just doesn't want us to worry." I nod as i keep cooking.

The day goes on, and every time i see amelia, she's smiling, but it doesn't seem authentic. Is this what humans mean by a forced smile? My emotional recognition is also struggling to discern her current emotional situation. After around noon, she doesn't really leave her security station except when a kid can't find her mom. "Is it me, or is amelia off?" Vanessa said beside me, making me jump and squak. "Y-yes. Sorry you startled me. She's been like this all day. She said she had a bad dream." I explain. "I see." She frowns her hand in a very stiff cast as she turns on heel calling on her walkie-talkie. "Im going to be in my office. I am not to be bothered." She said using a strong authoritative tone. Which is unlike vanessa. I hear vanessa mumble something, but i can't make out what.

Amelia pov

I look at the kid on my shoulders as i take him to his mom, whom I've already found thanks to my internal camera link. Then i hear a chikd scream as i look and see someone dangling from the cat walk. How did a child get up there?! I quickly scan the area and dash climbing up the wall. As i see a flash of a wall with colored lumps on it, i climb up quickly as if i had climbed this wackie wall a thousand times. I jumped off and grabbed a light before the schene changes to monkey bars. Is my system compensating for my mental state? What is WRONG with me today? i shake my head, flip on to the light, and rush across them like floating platforms as i dive as the kid falls and i catch him tucking him close to my chest as i curl up my body and roll as i land on the second floor. "You have some answering to do." I say as i carry him to my station to patch up a couple of cuts.

"We need to seal that cent in mazercise," i say with a frown. Handing the report, i took the time to print as i went to vanessa despite her request to be left alone. She had been annoyed at first, but after reading the report, she nodded. "I'll see to it. By the way, how are you feeling?" I frown. "Im fine. It was just a bad dream." I say annoyed to which vanessa raises her hand in surrender. "Ok ok im just worried. We all are. If you aren't ok, you can talk to us. Your family here and with how firmly you said you're fine, i have to wonder if it's really me who you're trying to convice of that." I frown and turn on heel. She dies have a point. Am i trying to convince her? Or myself. I dont understand. I shake my head as i form a plan. If i have another dream tonight, I'll tell the other. There is no way i can have the same exact dream. 2 nights in a row, it's illogical. I smile and continue my day with no other real incidents.

Vanessa pov.

Robot or not, i can tell she's lying. I need to keep working. That samual is a slime  ball, and if im going to keep this pizza plex safe, i need to file these reports as well as look into a research project I've recently started. I just hope what i find out is what i want. If not, things are going to get a lot more complicated.

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